My heart yearns for less distraction – the pull of the world is a constant that I must continue to allow Him to work out in me to place me where my heart, mind and soul should be.
Had I allowed too many things pull for my attention this week I may have missed every one of these precious moments and opportunities to recognize the work of the Lord right in front of my eyes.
A drive earlier this week with Christmas music playing – Isaac comments. “haven’t heard this in awhile” I explain Christmas music is only played once a year during this season. He replies: “I think it should be played all year long” (words and thoughts coming out from in the inside and well spoken).
A quiet expression as I walked down the hall, I paused and asked him to repeat. Isaac says: “I really like the dog tags and wristband from my Warrior meeting” (A meeting earlier this week in our home – the reward for running the race with endurance through our outside obstacle course – words coming out from the inside to express appreciation). I ask – do you know what the FIGHT on the wristband represents? “yes” he says. “fight against the devil”. (God is working).
A weeping Maximus approached me last night with a picture of Jesus given to him awhile back by someone. He said.. “here mom, I want you to have this, (weeping), I love you so much mom, and I want to give you a gift to show you my love – you are a good mom, you teach us so well” (God moments from my little ones – gifts to my sometimes doubting, weary soul)
An evening when I thought I blew the candle out…. it began to flicker and rise high again. I commented. “oh the candle has come back to life”. Isaac responds: “that’s like Jesus! Jesus came back to life”.
Boys headed out to the backyard this morning to play in the ice and 20 degree temperatures, and Isaac says: “hey mom, this is like my multiplication card. Two boys go out to play in the cold and build 7 igloos x 3 snowmen and then look at the thermometer and see it is 21 degrees outside and come in for hot chocolate.” One of the visual, catchy story flashcards for right brain learners that we have been working on – how sweet to my heart that he associated this moment with his brother with the exact story on that flashcard. God is good.
For two weeks Maximus has been planning to fill cups of ice and freeze outside to make bowling pins so he can play ice bowling. Last night he took advantage of freezing temperatures and was ecstatic to awake to find his bowling pins frozen solid. His creativity brings the world around us to life. Including the life of his brother Isaac, who was now so excited to share in ice bowling in the backyard, which led to them finding God made natural ice sculptures, trampoline, and yes inside for hot chocolate and a morning of playing army. I recognize this was an extra sweet morning for them and prayed through to decide it would be less school books today, for I could not break up this brotherly love time.
And.. Lucky Charms. “mom are Lucky Charms in the bible?” (after seeing a commerical for the tasty cereal, and being as corny as he can be) as I sat next to him on the couch having my morning devotional time. Well…….. no…. Lucky Charms isn’t in the bible, BUT….. they are sweet and so is honey. Let’s look at a verse about honey. AS I had JUST been readng through some Proverbs and had underlined this one. “have you found honey? Eat only as much as you need, lest you be filled with it and vomit”. Prov. 25:16 Lesson for today… there are good things to enjoy in life, but how we can overdo even the good things of life to the point of making us sick. More than just physically sick, but spiritually sick. God used this to confirm the things He’s been convicting me of these past two weeks and working me through, as well as, a great lesson for my boy to see God calls us to a life of moderation and healthy balance in all things.
“if then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Therefore put to death your members which are on earth…” Let the WORD of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another… and whatever you do, do in the anme of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Col. 3:1-17
~As a compass points North, the believers entire dispostion should point itself toward the things of heaven. Heavenly thoughts can only come by understanding heavenly realities in scripture. ~ John MacCarthur