I Look to the Mountain – You Are My Help


I lift up my eyes to the mountains.  Where does my help come from?   

My help comes from the Lord,   the Maker of heaven and earth.  Psalms 121:1-2

 Hiked to the top of this mountain top today.  Brain, lungs, beating heart!  5 senses to experience it all.  Taking in God’s creation.   Feel the cold air (it was in the upper 30’s..brrrrrrrr)  Hear the rushing water and singing birds.  See the magnificent mountain and the waterfall so powerful, mighty, strong.  Smell the fresh air unpolluted by worldly things.  Taste the sweetness of a warm cinnamon roll at the little bakery cart at the finish line.


Bring it home.  The Maker of beauty all around us.  The Maker of all the inward parts of me.  The Maker of taste buds, and all the senses.


A notebook full of 21 questions about our experience today.  Relating everything mighty, beautiful, lovely, pleasant, and good in our experience today to describe just Who our God is!

And lastly the question that matters beyond all questions.  God put within us a brain, heart, and lungs.  What is the greatest thing that lives inside you?


Pointing them to Jesus not only the Maker, but the Savior who came to give us life here and forevermore, the Holy Spirit Who lives in us because we believe.

So WHERE does our help come from?  Who can we trust with every single detail of our lives?

YES!  Our HELP comes from the LORD!


Written prayers.  I’ll share mine.

“Heavenly Father, thank you for another day to point our children to Jesus.  Thank you for all that you have placed around us, and created within us to remind us of your power, love and might.  Thank you for sending Jesus to save us from our sins.  Thank you for giving us abundant life. Thank you for the promise of everlasting life with You forever.  We deeply anticipate the day we will live with you forever.   Deeply anticipate the soon and coming King!  Thank you for the Helper, the Holy Spirit, the greatest One- Who lives in us.  Because of Your great gift.  We keep trusting and believing in You to give us strength to keep moving forward.  No matter how steep the mountains are we must climb, may we see You all around on the journey.  As we saw today, Your beauty on our upward travels to the top, You gave us rest, a drink, and hope that we would be there soon.  Even an encouragement from a stranger passing by, “you are so close, keep going, it’s not much further”. You are our Rock, our Hope and our Salvation.  May we fight the good fight and finish this race.  Looking unto You Jesus, the author and Finisher of our faith”  In Jesus Name – Amen


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