It’s January. The Christmas tree is staying. Fresh inspiration. Swapping the decor. Boys will each get a heart with a fruit of the Spirit at beginning of week. Will use their new study bibles and learn how to do Word studies. Will come together for evening family devotions, hang their heart word on tree and share their research and application.
I am so thankful for fresh perspective as we enter a new year!!! The other day I prayed before going into get groceries for God to direct me. Had no plans of giving a moment pause to look at Valentine displays, but those box of heart ornaments caught my attention. I did however, In fact, leave the store and the ornaments there, then in parking lot turned around and went back in with this wonderful vision and inspiration. I love this is a centerpiece of beauty to not only decorate our home, but draws us together and nearer to Jesus, with a focus on loving God and others, incorporates educational and Spiritual growth. I also love to see our boys so fascinated by my excitement to add our new decor on tree and in home. Isaac loves to see my wheels spinning. God is so good.
Tonight we began. Isaac hung “faithfulness” on the tree, stood before our family to share. One of the nine fruits, the Spirit produces in those who believe in Him.
1).Your love,Lord,reaches to the heavens,your faithfulness to the skies. Psalms 36:5
We can trust the promises that come from God in heaven.
2). I do not hide your righteousness in my heart;I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. Psalms 40:10
This is telling me to speak about my faith, don’t keep it to myself.
3). He sends from heaven and saves me,rebuking those who hotly pursue me.God sends forth his love and his faithfulness. Psalms 57:3 – God is faithful to help me with those who try to hurt me.
4).He will cover you with his feathers,and under his wings you will find refuge,his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalms 91:4 – He is faithful to protect me.
These scriptures talk about God’s faithfulness.
How can I be a faithful Christian? By having faith in God in whatever I do, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
How can I be a faithful son? By honoring my father and mother.
How can I be a faithful brother? By encouraging, helping, praying.
Because He Who has begun a good work will be FAITHFUL to complete it – Phil. 1:6
Then we sang. I just want to worship God for His faithfulness.
GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS. This version is beautiful and worshipful. (below)