Day 1 – Getting settled in with our new schedule
Day 2- Smooth ride and pure joy working together to accomplish goals
Day 3- Rough and rugged – left me heading for a quiet place to pray for God’s wisdom and strength
Day 4 – Back on track and making our own special names for our excercises
Day 5 – Will be a reason to celebrate and take weekend rest!
Taking 2014 to commit to Brain Integration Therapy. What will come of a year of committing to 5 days a week for an hour a day? I do not know. I only know that God has made it clear that this should be the goal, and it only makes sense to invest in this time, and then to see where the Lord leads next.
I am encouraged that while I do not know the future – I know the ONE who holds it all in His hands. That His plans are only for good for His children, and He promises a future and a hope that goes beyond the hope of here and now. A HOPE assured of eternal life with Him, but even a HIGHER purpose that extends beyond what we see at this moment (visible) to the faith that He is working even greater things beyond what we see (invisible).
What did our first week entail? A mix of emotions. Good times, silly moments, and moments when I escaped to run into the arms of Jesus in my quiet room, seeking Him for wisdom and peace-for strength to keep going, when I’d rather be doing something else. A dying to myself this week and being resurrected moment by moment to live on for His purposes, and not my own agenda.
What connections are being made through Brain Therapy with my boys? Well I pray many neuro pathways will be ingnited and strengthened. I pray over them before we start, we get dressed in the Armor of God, and ask that He would do above and beyond what we could ever imagine through this….
I am reminded that this “above and beyond what we could ever imagine” goes beyond the purpose of igniting neuro pathways, but rather how God will bless this time, in igniting the connections and pathways to GOD Himself. Bringing me to Jesus, drawing the hearts of our boys to Jesus as they each take their turn and sit memorize scripture on the off turn. Teammates working together, encouraging one another, forgiving one another, and persevering together. Connections of the heart that will supercede and be even more lasting and purposeful than connecting nuero pathways. Connections with one another that will strengthen God’s plan for our family. Connections of the heart with our Savior who is our strength.
We are weak, He is strong.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, be the glory and honor forever!” Eph 3:20