Another word for confession is acknowledgement. I just want to acknowledge how this has played out in our lives. This whole “schooling” journey. From my own school experience, to home schooling our sons.
So confession. I graduated from public high school many years ago. I am 50 years old. I never learned how to count back change. I did not like school. I never belonged. Did not fit in. English with writing creatively was my only remembrance of thriving. And those assignments were rare.
Back to never learning to count change. Well, I was called to home school our sons. I learned. I learned to count back change. I taught our sons to count back change. We all now know how to count back change. Because when God calls the weak to the seemingly impossible, we can do it! Because “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME” Phil. 4:13.
Not only this, but I saw the giftings, abilities, in our sons, and I acted on their behalf to encourage, and help them thrive and flourish in these things. We all have been given abilities by God. All children. Along with learning typical academics, I researched up in the night how to teach my oldest who has significant processing disorder from stroke at birth. Teaching a variety at home therapies. Along with my younger son, who has many unique gifts and passions educationally and Spiritually. I saw each of their giftings and ways they learned best, and cheered both of them onward.
God taught me. He taught me how to surrender my life, circumstances, weakness, daily, and draw on deeper need and filling by Him. He taught me rich relationship with Him, my sons, husband, family. And He taught me that my voice matters. Matters to my husband, my sons, first and foremost. Above all.
Eventually, in my forties, my writing started to come out in journaling. He brought people, my husband, friends, to cheer me on in my passion for Jesus, passion for family, for other people knowing His love. He began to use my writing as one way in which to speak and share-that you matter, your children matter, your family matters to God.
He created and we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
As I drove with my 17 year old son Maximus to the horse ranch yesterday, I was thinking about all of this. All of a sudden we saw dark clouds and discussed them, he began to tell me information I never knew about tornadoes. I did not teach him this. He was teaching me. Because there is a world of opportunity to learn so vast and wide.
My sons have vast more variety of academic knowledge than I ever had going to school. I have learned the JOY of learning. But what matters far beyond academics is Who they have learned about, and grown to know more and more-Jesus their Savior. They see how much they matter. Matter to God in Who He created them each to be. Who loves them, fights for them, gives strength to persevere, and will never leave or forsake them.
We are all still learning. Sure my oldest is 19 and we just graduated him. Our learning just never ends. They have been taught that there are lessons each day, if we want to learn. And a wise man will increase in learning. And true learning, is using what you have been taught and applying it to your life, your calling, your purpose to bring God glory. A wise man will increase in learning until the day he meets Jesus.
This picture of them yesterday, they went out for their morning run. I opened the door and to receive their report of how far they traveled. They started the running journey about a yr and half ago. Last week they reached a goal of three miles. And this day they surpassed it and reported 4.13! I texted them some articles, we later read as a family. Health Benefits to Immune System, Respiratory, White blood cells, strengthening antibodies through exercise. Learning. Applying.
Goal setting. Little steps. Trusting God Who multiplies, to His praise and glory.