God instills and equips the courage to do that which He calls us to do. Sometimes there is no earthly preparation for the real life battles. Walking with Jesus prepares us for anything.
I am not down playing skills, or sports. Our sons have learned a lot from the varying sports they have participated in. And He prepares us with skills to be used for His purposes and plans for our lives. Ultimately it is Christ alone where we find the ability and strength to do that which He calls us to do. He is our provision.
For a young boy who trains in a sport, still working on skill, and perhaps struggling to keep up with the physically “strong ones” – “seemingly” more reserved to putting it all out there, God showed me something amazing today. The HEART of passion when ignited, for that which is truly purposeful…resulted in boldness, bravery, courage, ready to protect and fight in the REAL LIFE battles. No reservation.
“mom, I purposefully stood next to her side. I was concerned for the stranger nearby and wanted to protect”. He wasn’t distracted. He was aware and sensed the need to do that which God created boys to do. In an instant of REAL life I saw the true courage that rules his heart. There’s something special in seeing courage rise, in evidence it is there because of a heart of passion and great purpose. This heart might not be stirred by competitions, and practice skill fights… but in the matter of real deal, God sheds a light on the truth of the courage deep within his heart. Fully ready and able to stand and protect.
The heart that rises to protect, defend, honor another. Relationship. It matters. This is purpose. That’s what matters to my mother’s heart. Fight for what’s right. To protect the ones he loves. This is no game. This isn’t about mastering a sport for fun. This is no competition. This is where the fire, the passion, the ability explodes into a beautiful display of courage within the heart of young boy.
Trained up by the Word of God. It’s the heart of the matter. I think of my own life, at the onset of my pregnancy of our firstborn son, we attended those classes. Did everything possible to be ready, to prepare. All that came to absolutely NOTHING. None of what we learned prepared us for this adventure. In the day of the battle. The day he was born lifeless. No training prepared me for this. Courage welled and it didn’t come from my preparation of classes and techniques. The only preparation was the walking with Jesus I had done the years prior, growing in Him. The onset of the battle, fear turned to faith over and over as the Lord gave me courage.
That’s what I want for our sons. Courage to do “well” in the strength of the Lord. Moment by moment in the real life that matters. Courage to speak up for what is right. To defend, protect, and care for others.
Not skill as the ultimate prize. But courage day by day to do the things that matter to our King.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness” 2 Tim. 4:7