On our trip to a wildlife sanctuary in Bandon, Oregon, a couple years ago, this was one of my favorite moments. We watched these two walk together. The child under the shadow of his mother’s wing. At one point, mother was up ahead and baby was lagging behind. Baby was desperate to catch up and be near once again.
“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
Ps. 91:1
Thinking of all the beautiful places God the Father has taken me in my life journey with Him. Calling me out of the darkness and depths of despair a long time ago. Walking me daily to greater and greater light. Opening my eyes to more of Him.
How often I want to hold on emotionally those beautiful places where He has provided manna from heaven in the midst of desperate need. “For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Ps. 107:9 I am so elated, I want to be in this place forever. I forget so easily, that He is with me wherever I go.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
That this filling is HIM, Christ alone filling me. No matter where I am.
When I’ve been in a satisfying place after a long journey through the dessert, and he would call me out of this place, my emotions would flood. I would lose sight momentarily clinging to the provision… rather than the PROVIDER. Forgetting the PROVIDER always has greater and more for me. My emotions have gone to fear of what is to come next. Rather than faith, in simply believing wherever I am, He is with me and that is all that I need. He is leading me to bless me.
Over many years of walking with Him. I realize, each and every stop for a season has been His provision to fill. And every new place He has called me to follow Him, I am always once again in awe and wonder of greater, more beautiful, provision. Necessary for His purposes and plans to be completed in me and the life of my family. I am thankful for every single place He has taken me and filled me. In His faithfulness He leads me out and onward, and upward to more of Him. Each step of the way, the highs and lows, has been time of growth, challenge, and immense blessing.
If I had not followed Him, I would have not reaped the blessings. I would have not grown. I would have not seen the beauty of His holiness shine forth. Would not have met the beautiful people in my life along the way who have given much to increase my faith, and encouraged me onward. I think of one move we made a few years back. How God provided richly a friend and sister so beautiful and perfect for my life. I think of an older lady in Christ who God used in a desperate season of desert to refresh me with her loving touch and helpful hand. I think of another older lady in Christ who has walked the walk with boys on the spectrum. A refreshing flood of goodness to my soul in the midst of what had been a very dry and weary land. Someone who understood completely, who knew, who lived it, walked it, breathed it. A special gift to be so in sync with another, when our experience with most of the world not able to really understand the depth of the emotions, experiences, obstacles, and needs. That can feel lonely. Someone who had yet another piece of “LIFE” to add to my life to cheer me onward in my calling. He brings refreshing through the Body of Christ. He brings refreshing in staying near in following Him.
I’ve realized as time has gone on in my walk, as He calls us onward to step out and go… there has been a change in me. While sure I wonder about the unknowns, but there is a greater over ruling hope and peace … knowing… God is up to something once again. I know it is going to be good.
There is a bit of less resistance. Less lagging behind with my emotions trying to resist the move forward. More contentment in following Him. Like the child in this picture, lagging momentarily. And mother who is leading and yet not too far to be reached. I draw near to God. He is there. We walk on together.
Less fear, less holding so tightly to my surroundings, my emotions, and more faith in a faithful God Who is leading our family on towards His next blessings. Though it may be a walk through a difficult place… (I even saw this parent-child in the picture above maneuver together under and over a high fence – being squeezed and pressure applied to their bodies)
We know that through difficulty God is with us, refines us through the fire of His Holy perfection. Setting us freer. Taking us beyond the obstacles. Taking us deeper to more of Him. Seeing the blessings and His provision, manna from Heaven. Satisfying our longing souls. For our longing is for more of Him. Seeing His glory and power.
I remember Jesus’ love. Graciously obedient to the point of death on a cross to redeem me of my sins. I am raised to life with Him. This steadfast love calls me onward to trust and obey, without hesitation. “…not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” Rom. 12:10-11
Oh how beautiful and magnificent and truly overwhelming it will be when for those who follow Jesus, when the journey is complete and we move upward for eternity in His perfect LIGHT forever.
“let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings..”
Heb. 10:22
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8