Evening Light. I asked the boys to take a walk this evening with me. I wanted to show them a beautiful garden up in neighborhood. As soon as Maximus saw it, he said, exactly my thoughts first time I saw it. “Wow. It reminds me of the Garden of Eden”. I only took one picture. I haven’t met the people that live here, and didnt want to appear snooping too intently. (Ha!) But there were these giant, beautiful various kinds and colors of flowers everywhere. Plum and fig trees. Grapes draped over lattices. And a little children’s play area in the midst. I can imagine the children who must spend time out here. The delights of joy and laughter. Maybe grabbing a plum or fig for snack time. Made me think of our forever Kingdom God is preparing for His people. The loving Heavenly Father, and the immense JOY there will be living with Him forever.