In a world that is passing away, I keep asking God to show what He wants us to learn. What He wants me to teach. The signs of Jesus return coming soon is upon us, however, we just do not know the hour. We eagerly anticipate the second Advent of Christ’s powerful coming for His own. Yet, since we do not know the day or hour, I continue to look to Him in faith, to His leading of how to equip them for life. Ultimately it always comes back to this (which is on the screen behind us)
“And further, my son, be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.”
Eccl. 9:12-14
I found myself telling my boys to grab their bible study notebooks today, even though we were studying, science, dinosaurs, fossils, and so on. Everything points and connects to our Lord and Savior. So we might as well note take in one notebook for all that pertains to life, godliness, truth.
Today, we were back at it with studies. And after a month break for me, I hopped back into Karate with my sons. When they were little, and everything required so much on my part to teach them everything, I never would have imagined eventually all the ways they would teach me. Isaac is an amazing Karate teacher, which includes a beginning time of prayer and blessing. I will probably be the slowest student to ever progress under his instruction, should he be blessed in the future to teach others. (his earnest hope and prayer)
And Yes after a month break, I felt it today. We eased me back in gradually, so that I can still function to be wife and mom first, before student of Karate.
He loves teaching me! And that’s pretty neat, considering how I made it my aim to display how much I loved teaching them. Even though it was so hard for their younger years, God always gave me joy. Because it’s a gift to lead them to Jesus a thousand ways through hard and fun and all!
Both boys are super sweet, as they gladly remained in their Gi’s until Joe arrived home to snap a picture of our New Year 2021 back to school kick off -for their mama!
God is so good. So faithful. The Christian fight is one that must continue on. Jesus came with a mission to save. He fought the battle over sin and death. And victoriously rose and conquered! I am grateful. By His grace, we press on. Thanking God that victory for us, our brothers and sisters, is OURS through Christ Jesus our Lord.
“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” 1 Jn. 2:17
“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Tim. 6:12