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From Weary to Revived

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I was weary.  God let me know He understood.  How? According to His Word.  I read the entire Psalms 119.  It’s a VERY long chapter.  176 verses.  The other morning, I read every single Word slowly, carefully, prayerfully.  God showed His empathy, compassion, and knowing of every single emotion inside my heart.  No one else on earth is able to do this! He met me, with comfort, and immense peace.

I was revived according to His Word.  I was comforted according to His Word.  I was strengthened according to His Word.  I was given renewed focus, passion, determination, by His every WORD!  A God of compassion who understands to the very details of me, He gives me a passion inside to carry on.

I also, was given the gift a few days prior by one person, a listening ear that only heard a tiny piece, yet was able to see beyond and understand a depth, because she has walked tightly with God and has this ability, by the power of the Holy Spirit within her.  The hug she extended, the words she spoke – so few, yet revealed an understanding and empathy of the difficulty and emotions of my heart and longing and weary sorrow over all I desire for the good.  This was the Lord.  An instrument of a fellow Believer, He used to minister to me.

With revival again upon my heart.  God reminded me “do not grow weary in doing good, YOU WILL REAP A HARVEST, IF you do not lose heart”  Gal. 6:9

A command and promise .

What good can I do?  Well many things the Lord directs me in to do.  But, this particular situation, I was taken again to the POWER OF HIS WORD.  That His Word when shared, I must believe it is power to overcome!

I am to plant and sow.  Sow the Word of God.  Give it out in love.  Leave it there.  And trust God by the power of His Holy Spirit to produce the growth, the fruit.  To Him be the glory for the increase!

As an obedient servant of Christ, I trust and obey.  He gives the increase!  What hope there is in Him!  All Him!  He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I could think or imagine, for His glory to all generations! (Eph. 3:19-21)

I highly recommend reading all of Psalms 119.  Praying before you open.  Asking God to speak to you.  Asking Him to cause those Words by the power of His Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart, and see all that He desires you to see today.

There is such freedom in His Word.  And this Chapter speaks, and repeats over and over again, of the power of His Word.

Prayer. Praise. Sowing God’s Word.  Trust and obey.  To Him be the glory!

It is so good for me, as I long for a harvest, to believe in faith, and truth, and in love, that to do these things, THERE WILL ALWAYS be an increase, because that is God’s promise, power, authority!  How that increase comes, is not for me to fix my eyes on, but rather to fix my eyes on, God makes the increase, His way, His time, for His glory!  Walking by faith, not by sight.  Looking unto Jesus.  Christ Alone!  Believe!  In Hope!

“I am severely afflicted; revive me, O LORD, according to your word!” Ps. 119:107


I pray you have a blessed day!  In Jesus name!


“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” 1 Cor. 3:6

“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:1


“man cannot live on bread alone but by every Word that proceeds by the mouth of God” Matt. 4:4



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