I was sitting on my couch this morning while it was still pretty dark outside. Sipping my coffee, reading my bible. I was just thinking about how God created us for relationship. How much I treasure my family. How much I treasure more than ever, Sundays where our family gets to attend church and spend time with the family of God. I have been thinking how much has changed in these past nine months for most people. I can honestly say, a lot of progress in a wide array of ways, has happened for our household, in spite of shut downs and challenges navigating life in this stranger than ever world and ways.
I have also spoken with many who have experienced my same sentiments. The reality of God progressing us, yes. But also, challenges for being relational and meeting together due to “restrictions” and “mandates”, the sorrow over the brokenness of the world. The great need to press on towards the Lord, that we may also proclaim, share the message of the gospel loud and clear to those God puts in our path.
I have also been thinking about isolation. I hear of so many who are isolated literally, or feeling it from much less contact with other humans. I honestly, have struggled with this myself as the desire to be together with others and share in relationship is strong, yet has been cut off in many ways. This pains me. But I see in spite of the cut offs and barriers that have been implemented by world systems, others personal needs, choices, and decisions, I am grateful for God giving me the above relationships I just mentioned, as well as a very special friend my sons and I meet with frequently, and some other connections of writing, texting, and so on, which are treasures to my heart. The Lord showing me how to:
“trust in the Lord with all my heart, and lean not on my own understanding, in all my ways acknowledge Him, knowing He will direct my path” Prov. 3:5-6
I think about the first apostles in the New Testament and the disciples to follow. I think about men and women throughout history and even today who are isolated in prisons and such because of their faith. I consider Apostle Paul the many times he was thrown into prison. Isolated and away from the fellow saints of Christ. I think of John the disciple who was forced to the Island of Patmos. Even there the Lord worked mightily (of course He would!), appeared to John, and gave him the words to write for the entire book of Revelations! Which is playing out today!!
I also consider the times, Jesus went away to be alone for rest and to pray. There is a time and of all importance to be alone and with God. As we submit to faith and obedience to Him, open our life to be used as a vessel for which God may use, this will bring glory to Him and further advance the work of the Kingdom. I also recall Apostle Paul as he wrote of the fellow saints he knew were praying for him while he spent his days in prison.
As I think of all these people of faith who spent time in isolation, imagining myself in such a situation. I would cling to my relationship with God. I would cling to the awareness there are fellow saints who would be praying for me. I would cling to God’s Word – that the “fervent prayers of the righteous avails much” James. 5:16
In fact, the other day I texted two trustworthy friends and asked them to pray. There were some overwhelming issues of life, one after another, dragging me down. I had been in prayer all the day long, for many days. I had been saturating myself in the Word. I needed to call on my Sisters. It was time. I needed a lift by way of prayer!
In a matter of a few hours and a good night’s sleep, the extreme drag down that weighed upon me was completely lifted!
I also think of the elderly and the most vulnerable and the isolation, fear, and discouragement that is wreaking havoc on quality of life for so many.
We were created to be in relationship with God and one another. Created to be in fellowship, and to genuinely connect on a heart level, for the sake of souls. Believers are new creations. And as a new creation, we are created to spend time together to encourage, pray, share needs, share in lifting each other up with God’s Word, songs, hymns, spiritual songs, breaking of bread, and sharing meals, all to the pleasing and glory of God.
“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal. 6:2
I am deeply concerned for those who are truly feeling the drastic downward drag of isolation. So as I sat drinking that coffee, with just a little light as it was still early, I heard a profound honking sound. A flock of geese flying right over our home. It was the most glorious, beautiful sound at that moment.
This was God’s mighty magnificent work to demonstrate His power and glory!
God is on the move my friends. He is working to draw attention to Him!
If we really desire, really yearn, really seek, to know truth, to know God genuinely and His design, purpose, order, we will pay attention. We will pay attention, we will respond to Him in faith, by grace, in obedience to lead us on.
As the scripture says study the glories of God and creation, learn, and apply it to YOUR very life – His GREATEST creation. The creation of human life, made in God’s image.
“But look to the animals, and they will teach you;
And the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you;
And the fish of the sea will explain to you.
Who among all these does not know
That the hand of the Lord has done this,
In whose hand is the life of every living thing,
And the breath of all mankind?” Job 12:7-10
I did a little research after hearing these geese. It just about gave me, well, goosebumps!
A few important things to note about geese:
1) Geese Fly Further Together. In that “V” shape. Each bird, as it flaps its wings, is creating lift for their fellow birds.
2) Geese Support Each Other When Times are Tough. When a goose gets injured or sick, two other geese will fall out of formation to stay with the goose and stay with it until it is able to fly again. When they head back out, they work together to catch up with the rest of the flock.
3)Geese Take Turns -looking after one another. They alternate being at the front and the back, in order to not having one goose always at the front working so hard. They give each other rest.
4) Geese Cheer Progress. The geese behind, honk at the ones in the front, to encourage them to maintain their speed and keep flying towards their goal.
5) Geese are Loyal to their Purpose. Their goal remains the same, move the flock from the North to the South
Look at this beautiful design and wisdom of God displayed in the relationship of geese. And not only amongst the geese, but in their unique relationship with their Creator God – they move according to His way, His design. And it is beautiful. Look how it demonstrates our being together. Not apart, but in relationship caring for one another with common purpose.
The world is in disorder. It has been since the first sin in the Garden of Eden. It has only grown more disorderly, ie. more sinful, over time, as humans demand their own way of life, rather than submit to the Lordship of Creator, Savior, God.
Sure there will be times when we will be alone. Whether physically, or in a circumstance that no one else on earth understands. Ultimately, however, for a Believer, we will never be alone. Because as the Lord says to His own:
“I will NEVER leave you or FORSAKE you” – Hebrews 13:5
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Praise God for our future in glory in a forever relationship with Him and the fellow saints. The broken is gone and complete new has come! I praise God and pray for all the saints. He awakens me to consider how I spend my time. As I mentioned, I have spoken with other saints, as well during these extra crazy months we have faced, tell of how God has used this time to awaken them to prioritizing life God’s way. Awakened to areas that have been out of order. Awakened to investing in greater time in relationship with God and family, and being diligent to fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.
May we be focused on our mission, from one place to another. As geese focus from North to South. May we focus as we live on this earth upward to the home prepared for us by our Lord. Focused on the Lord and eternity, as we purpose together, to do all things to the glory of God. Eagerly awaiting our final destination.
Those geese today, flew straight over our home. They were definitely proclaiming a message! Cheering on their fellow family of geese, to the ever important destination. Even greater, I hope and pray for the opportunities to proclaim a gospel message loud and clear over others lives! God is love. We are sinners. The world was perfect. We mess it up. There is punishment for this by a Holy God – hell. There is GRACE and mercy! God sent Jesus to take the punishment for sins, to all who acknowledge the great need, and receive His undeserving, rich in mercy gift. Those who refuse to accept the full TRUTH of the gospel, submit to Him and the full counsel of God, will be separated from God, as He gives that free choice, for all eternity- in hell. There is a Savior, Who loves, and does not want anyone to perish, but desires all to have everlasting rich life with Him. His name is JESUS!!! Receive forgiveness, truth, mercy, grace, faith, and let’s all soar each day in newness of life, all the way to our destination, heaven and a glorious Kingdom that awaits.
“They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:46
“Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Heb. 10:25
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”
John 14:1-3
Thank you 🙏 Another beautiful, inspiring message. These messages mean so much to me. Thanks be to God.
Florence. I am so grateful I am able to share this with you. I am so thankful you visit here and we have connected. It is a joy to my heart. I am grateful you are enjoying the messages God lays on my heart. And that we can rejoice in our Lord and Savior together! Thanks be to God indeed, to be able to share our lives with one another in His amazing grace and love.