Harry our elderly pup is starting to go blind (a bit). He still loves his walks. His master Isaac leads the partly blind boy, getting him back on the path when he wanders off, warns him and lifts him up when he can’t quite “SEE” the hurdle ahead. He guides him on the journey, he knows Harry is trusting him. Guarding, protecting, and showing him the right way.
THE LORD gave me this verse as I snapped this photo: I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Is. 42:16
-A joy to see these two connect – it’s unique and special. Harry hears the sweetest whispers of affirmation and love, compassion, and instruction, and feels the warmth of the loving touch.
God’s WORD is SUCH A TREASURE. And through this journey with our sons, we have learned this in GREATER understanding. I SHARE FOR THE GLORY OF THE LORD to BRING HOPE. Cause my greatest hope is for my sons to CONNECT with the LORD and have a relationship with HIM. And this DAY was a GIFT again to come home break open this verse and SEE THE UNDERSTANDING of our relationship with the LORD and HE BEING THE LIGHT.
And through daily captivating our moments together and bringing scripture right along with us – UNDERSTANDING IS COMING. DEEPER AND DEEPER. Neurology glitches can push down those connections… GOD’s HOLY WORD IS POWER TO CHANGE! We SEE IT! Let’ US BELIEVE IT!!!!