Little boys, full of energy – God has a plan!! Mothers can get a lot of flack while raising high energy boys. A LOT of PRESSURE POSSIBLE and READY available, because the world will try to fit them into a mold they just cannot fit, and then label them accordingly-if given a chance. The enemy WILL prey on mothers, I know cause it happened to me, and attack with DOUBT. God’s WORD is our WEAPON. His armor I had to put on everyday. Because… We are not of this world! And we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly realms. So our lives have gone against much of the “flow” as we follow Jesus for His purpose, plans, and by His design for our boys. What a gift. I tear up every time I think of God’s provision and FAITHFULNESS.
That little energetic boy (you might have one) – he grows up! Still energized, but equipped through rigorous labor of love, training, discipline, instruction-given TIME. God’s TIME. IN HIS TIME. Mine are 15 and 17 next month. They’ve been at church sports camp this week. My oldest, who began life with challenges from stroke-He was leading little children in a gospel message today, and helping them learn basketball. My youngest, he was leading children to TRUST IN GOD when we are afraid. Sharing a brief testimony of his dad’s accident last year, and how he handled that through faith in God-It is an honor, joy, privilege to walk through each season with our children. Even this week, being near to CHEER them on, and pray for them from a distance, but still present a bit in moments to spur them on as God calls them with a heart’s desire to lead. That they appreciate this in their mama. Pretty special to get a kiss on the cheek from my son after he has just led worship with the praise & dance team (a first for him and something I sought out for him, because I wanted to STIR UP THE GIFT I SAW WITHIN him) using that GIFT of HIGH ENERGY from GOD HIMSELF, as then he rushed off to take care of his little huddle of kids under his wings.
An older lady I chatted with today, “you must be proud”. I don’t know if I can use the word “proud”, because I fear ever taking away any glory from our Lord. “I am a great sinner, Christ is a Great Savior” -John Newton, and It is through Him we receive such GRACE to do anything. But I knew what she meant. As I marvel at what God does-giving this gift for them to function in the biggest greatest thing that matters – BUILDING THE KINGDOM OF GOD, growing into LEADERSHIP. This world needs men, strong men to rise and lead in Jesus name. “I am so grateful. God is the Faithful One” is what I replied.
I know how weak I am, WE are, apart from Christ. And I KNOW the HELP and STRENGTH available to us, through the power of CHRIST JESUS the LORD who is so KIND, AND GRACIOUS to live in us, as we live out this faith… continuing to grow more and more, continuing to serve with JOY.
I just share because I want to share the stories of our GOD. The GOD OF HOPE. I know what it is like to live with special challenges, feeling alone, depending on Jesus the Rock, being a mother, home school mom (first generation, starting from scratch with “special neurological challenges” from stroke,)and a wife to a wonderful husband and father who this past year had a spinal cord injury and has been lifted up to greater LIFE! So great that we thanked God today, he was diligently at work providing for us, making a way for us to be “here” serving in the Body of Christ for the Kingdom.
I know the POWER of CHRIST Who holds us together through all times, to fulfill His purpose and plans. The glorious hope that awaits in the Kingdom forever.
My hope for you…
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Rom. 15:13
“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” Heb. 1:3
“Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast ONLY about the LORD.” 1 Cor. 1:31