I was blessed to come to understanding of my great need of Salvation as a child. I loved the scriptures, yet I did not know many.
I had a child like faith. At age 19, I lost just about everything I had depended on, on this earth. And I was terribly afraid, confused,
and floundering. At age 24, I cried out to Jesus because I knew He was my ONLY HOPE to take another step in this life on this earth.
I was dying inside. I wanted to live. Jesus Christ came swooping in, and became MY EVERYTHING.
I made a commitment that extraordinary night, as I traded my sorrows, shame, pain, and decided to be His disciple,
walk with my Prince of Peace, and DEPEND on Him to help me live, and do each day. How did I do this?
First, I knew I needed His Words to guide me. So I made that decision to feed, not just read, but feed on
His Word every single day, and throughout the day, for the rest of my life.
What great filling, satisfying, reward to walk in obedience, in FAITH, by His loving, correcting, comforting,
strengthening, commands, guidance. Not easy, especially for my flesh, my emotions they would rage inside
over the crucifying of self over and over, however as I did, the immense beauty that unfolded, that my eyes could
see even tiniest issues of life that God was working in, as the miracles they were.

Last night I was experiencing some very difficult emotions through an unexpected happening that seemed
to come out of nowhere. News that left me thinking
How in the world will I deal with this situation?

As I laid in bed praying, a TOTALLY unexpected, remembrance of an event with Jesus and
His disciples in the book of Mark came to me. It was the most awesome moment, again! You could not ask for a better, more clear,
and precise answer from the Lord for my current circumstance! Literally, relating! Immanuel God is with us!
I think back…Because the Lord drew me in way back on that night long ago, and impressed on my heart that
I WOULD ONLY LIVE by His Every Word, because of all those days, (27 years) of saturating in His Word….
Last night in great need and confusion, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind this VERY scripture
that I don’t very often use in my daily life, or think on, but know. A unique real life story, that completely
applied to speak to my heart. The Lord met my need for an answer I asked for, that very moment.
He gave it, in the quiet, darkness, just looking up. Waiting. Trusting.
That’s the beauty of knowing Jesus, depending on Him, the beauty of His Word!

He is the PRINCE OF PEACE. His PEACE RULES AND REIGNS. What a GIFT for all who receive Him as Lord.