I do not even recall this, but evidently when Isaac was very young he wrote a scripture and we gave it to the neighbor across the street, specifically for her son who has some severe disabilities. She reminded us of this the other day as she came over in need of some help. The boys gladly mowed her lawn, and later that day, she then brought over organic pop tarts as a thank you. I remember the day many years ago, she came over and gave me a cookie that was in the shape of an apple. It was in honor of teachers. That was pretty special. The boys were young and I was new at the home schooling thing and what a gift to have encouragement from a near neighbor. And today….
What a wonderful morning surprise . Walked across street to neighbors as she pleaded to come and take as many as we wanted. Help yourself!. Summertime blessings! James 1:17 (P.S. Isaac really felt like a winner with this beauty! The biggest and brightest red of all)

Thankful for all lifts little blessings that are really very BIG!