Yet when we truly have experienced God’s amazing GRACE, what a gift we then can give to extend to these children. GRACE! Looking beyond what “seems” to be and offering grace, unraveling the layers until we get to what truly is – and oh sweet it is. For these children to be understood, and have someone on their side is what they desperately need. When these children experience grace… there is HOPE!
I praise HIM for this wonderful life, so different, so glorious, so much dependency on God to show me understanding. A time for God to stretch me in offering grace, love , and going beyond to find the answer!
Today, I asked him to get the pizza out. Put pepperoni on 1/2. He moved and sorted the pepperoni around and just could not figure out how to make this happen. He knows 1/2. WE’ve done it in a book and he showed comprehension. So why… when I cover one side and show him 1/2 does he still seem overwhelmed? The Lord slowed me down and had me draw a pizza and slowly talk it through. He then modeled the example. Then!!! Then!!! it came clear what the hang up/glitch was. The pepperoni would have to touch if he put it all on one side! He felt it was impossible to place it on 1/2, because “pepperoni” cannot touch one another. His brain told him pepperoni can’t touch. He knew 1/2! He now knows that it is okay for pepperoni to touch and be comfy cozy with each other!!! PRAISE BE TO GOD!
Dependency on God. His grace is sufficient for me. I have not known how to do this in and of myself. But by God’s grace, He has been sufficient to work through and find answers in these seemingly “unsearchable” ways. How many of these we have encountered. How many we prayed through, how many we leaned on Jesus. HE is faithful!
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jer. 33:3