So… this happened. Bring out the pellet gun.
Then it was his turn…
And then… this position seemed better
And then, well, you know, you gotta be a soldier when an intruder is threating your domain
And… it’s keeping distance, but we know it’s there… So find a beam to lean against, and wait it out
And then… next day, try a new tactic of our own
And… then perhaps – this? Keep strategizing, and never give up!
Still waiting… waiting… it’s there, then gone…standing firm
And then, well this happened…
Because our sons needed to get on with their chores and fight the good fight, while training in the Karate dojo. I took over. Watching, waiting, on guard.
Isaac’s response to this whole happening on our homestead and me pitching in to do my part – weapon in hand…
“it’s like we are living in the western days, but wearing clothing of today” – Love my boy!
Spiritual application:
The enemy of souls back in western days, back at the very beginning of creation, is still on the prowl. Jesus made a way out. Out of the hell we would be entrapped in forever by the enemy, by the sin of listening and obeying this voice, (we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – Rom. 3:23) rather than God-Had Jesus not come to set captives free. Jesus is victory, for those who receive Him as Savior and Lord. Victory over sin and death. We have this amazing blessed duty, with honor, to face every adversity, tactics of the enemy as a Soldier for Christ. Serving the Master and King.
Let the pictures do the talking. The Spiritual battle is real with the enemy of souls. He hates all people and definitely God’s people. He prowls around. The tactics are many. And we must be on guard. Stand firm. Protect our homestead, our families, our children. Protect our hearts, minds, souls. Jesus the Great Protector gives us everything we need.
How do we do this? By every Word of God. Putting on the full armor of God, standing against the schemes of the devil.
By, being alert! From the time we wake up in the morning, til we lay our head to rest, and again each new day. We are on a battle field, this world. We are victorious through Christ Jesus our Lord, and will live in His Perfect Kingdom forever.
“…guard what God has entrusted to you.” 1 Timothy 6:20
“…be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour…”
1 Peter 5:8
“Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.”
Prov. 4:23