Nearly 10 years ago, I did a “Run Girlfriend Run, Walk, Crawl” 5k. It was to benefit healthy hearts. I was born with a hole in my heart, went into heart failure at 18 months old, received heart surgery, and given a second chance on life. My heart is not perfect, but it works great! It was patched, and there is a leak, so we watch and pray, and trust God. I praise Him for this life.
But the greater heart work came through the acknowledgement that I am a sinner, and this would send me to hell. I needed a heart surgery by the Great Surgeon, Jesus Christ. I received the Lord as my Savior, as a young girl! Though I am far from perfect, He is Perfect! And the faithful Surgeon HE is, keeps working on my heart.
Shortly, after that 5k run, (my first and only thus far) I came upon some real hardship over my personal health in other ways. My adrenals (stress hormones) were taxed out, liver enzymes out of control, and I was so exhausted with pain on a daily basis, not sleeping, so fatigued some days it was all I could do to get from one room to the next. I was barely able to move to care for my family. I worried that I would fail my family. How could I do any of this life like this? I surrendered to the ONE and ONLY hope. And learned to trust Him as He pared my life down, and showed He is able to accomplish His purposes- it’s just miraculous. His power made perfect in weakness.
Eventually over much desperate seeking, I began to figure out what I needed to heal physically. I still need to watch, and monitor how I function, and what to do to manage my health and all of life, in God’s wisdom. God gives wisdom to those who seek. (James 1:15) I have learned a ton! God has provided. But what is so awesome is He literally transformed a million hung up places in my Spiritual heart and showed me His love, power, and ability that is ever so deep and wide.
Today, I went for a “tiny” run for the first time in a long time, and then walked for a couple miles. I have learned to accept my limits, and trust Him for the results. As I was out, I saw something so beautiful. And I came home, to write this below, as I consider the ongoing work of Christ. Even this week, some painstaking things to face, yet I saw, again, reminded again, how this, is where the beauty comes
I saw a man lifted up in a BEAUTIFUL tree
Sawing away limbs,
why would this be?
Branches, branches, cut away, more and more
tossed in a heap pile turned to dust,
Other Beautiful branches on this tree, remained.
The work of this man, will produce greater beauty, greater life.
As the tree “boughs” bent to this faithful work,
The cutting away, not pretty, the reward of great worth.
The “boughs” bent to the work of this one hand,
May I “bow” to the work of the Lord and His faithful plan.
On a tree, a carved wooden cross,
the Son of God, took on sin and shame for me,
the pain He endured, I will never see,
for He died and rose again, to set me free.
Through the cross,
He continues His work, in cutting away in me,
all that is without purpose, and vain,
He sees the work He has done in my life,
HE continues the work, though it is pain to
my flesh, it is joy to my soul,
His wonder working power,
that faithfully brings me to the Promised Home.
So endure the pain, abide in Him,
bow to His Lordship, and receive the care,
it is for my good, as I look to the cross,
and what sin he did bear,
I look to His love,
and believe, through this pain,
there is great victory!
So run, walk, crawl, cling.
Closer, nearer, draw to the Lordship of Christ,
Abide, remain, receive, bow,
submit to His ongoing work, endure,
Receive greater beauty, greater life-
All Glory to the King Most High.
Jesus said:
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful…No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me…I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” From John 15