Running for the prize! As Isaac began to feel fatigued during our BIG family Hike, Jog, Run, Walk this morning, yes, believe it or not – I quoted scripture.. “let us run this race with endurance, looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith” Heb. 12 – giving a quick devotional out in the middle of God’s glorious creation on perseverance God calls us to. Joe then offered his son the thought of a reward. DAD offered a reward for persevering to the end that he would receive a prize (lunch out and a root beer – Isaac’s favorite). At that moment, Isaac picked up his pace and began to jump across hurdles as if in an obstacle course! Working hard for his anticipated prize! As DAD encouraged him on this trek, our Heavenly Father encourages us everyday to not give up and keep moving forward, and gives us the JOY of anticipation of the prize we will receive in CHRIST JESUS!