My son, seems like yesterday that I was resting, and waiting, eagerly anticipating your arrival.
SEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY… I not only felt your strong kicks, but saw them coming through
SEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY… words from mothers before me… echoed: “enjoy this quiet. Those days are over soon”. – “it goes by quick, embrace every moment”
SEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY… I felt those kicks suddenly stop. You were born. Quiet. Not moving. Not kicking. Not making a sound. And all I wanted, is to hear that cry. See you move. See life.
Eventually you began to move, walk, talk, kick! For every breath you breathe, every kick you extend in your joy of martial arts, every fierce, strong, passionate shout that comes forth, nearly shaking the walls, and definitely shakes the very core of my being… in a place of awe, wonder, beauty, thanksgiving…
It all points to the glory of God!
Going back to those words: “enjoy the quiet while you have it..” My response would be. Enjoy life! No matter how wonderful, or loud in difficulty, exhausting. God will take us out of our comfortable worlds, and in the not so quiet of difficulties, will strip away our “self”, dying to “self”, and we will be resurrected to rich life. Praise be to God!
“embrace the moments, it goes so quickly” – yes! “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” James 4:14.
SEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY… I was pleading with the Lord for you to have your own relationship with Him. Today, the greatest joy of my heart is seeing you walk in confidence, because “In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge.” Prov. 14:26. You walk with the Savior in your own special way, in relationship with Him.
SEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY…even though in truth, we are nearing 15 years of life!
“For in him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28