I’ve heard many mothers with little ones, mostly boys, look at the long journey ahead and fearfully wonder how they can possibly home school their children through all those grades. The higher the grade, the more fearful they become.
We look too far ahead and it just seems impossible.
I’m here to say, I understand those thoughts and fears. I understand little boys and looking at them “now” and imagining the future and the all the concerns for them. Looking at myself and seeing how I “know” nothing about home schooling little boys. I know “nothing” about schooling through stroke and special needs. Looking at myself and seeing how inadequate I am. I also, know what it is like to stop looking at myself, and look at God. He calls us to fix our eyes on HIM.
I am here to say, I was the mother who said to the guests at our home, when my Isaac was 3 1/2 years old and barely communicating, as an older home schooled boy said: “will you home school your boys?” I remember my response being something to the effect of, “I don’t know how I would possibly do that.” As I looked at so much need. Their lack of focus. Their inability to sit still for very long. Looked at myself and saw so much inadequacy. It was that older boy’s father, who spoke words that day, that took my eyes off of myself, and onto JESUS. Onto His truth. His promises. His special plans. His ways! His word! Words that went something to the effect of, “love that child. Embrace who God has made him. Give him time. Don’t rush him to that special needs preschool to learn to communicate. Love those boys, in relationship with them, pointing them to Jesus. Relying on Him, not comparing him to the standards of the world”.
I am here to say, embrace the journey as God leads in FAITH! Take seriously your call to this in similarity to Moses call, doing that which he knew he was not equipped to do. Yet he obeyed the voice of God and went. We know what happened. We know what God did. A long journey, with all kinds of unknowns.
Take seriously in BELIEF that JESUS is the SAME yesterday, today, forever. The God Who led Moses, parted the seas, is faithful as well to you and your family.
You will witness the power and presence of God as He overcomes in miracle after miracle.
“I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people.”
Lev. 26:12
Obey Him. Listen to His voice. He WILL DO IT FOR YOU.
“I WILL lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I WILL guide them; I WILL turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I WILL do; I will not forsake them.”
Is. 42:16
Moses wasn’t comparing his story to any other. He had no story like it to compare. It was a one of a kind story, specifically for God’s great purpose and faithful plan.
Don’t compare to others. Seek God for His story for you and the life of your family. Ask for wisdom for your specific children. He promises to give it.
Embrace the brothers and sisters who have gone before you and consider their wisdom through experience.
Glean! As Ruth gleaned the field for provision and sustenance. Be a Ruth. Be willing to go, to foreign lands in living outside the typical, familiar “systems” of the world. Glean from others. Take those parts and bless your household as Ruth gleaned and blessed. As Ruth was blessed!
Believe in the God Who delights in MULTIPLICATION. A humble heart, giving what little we KNOW we have, but offering it. Watch and see God multiply it as the boy with the loaves and fish humbly gave little, Jesus blessed that and multiplied to His praise, purposes and glory.
Most importantly, make it about JESUS! Imagine each step through the lens of God. When you fear the comments from others about socialization, view it in light of God’s view. Does He sit in heaven shaking his head… “oh my, those children are not socialized?” NO.
When your child is 6 or 7 is still hasn’t grasped… this or that, etc.. and so on… sure we have work to do, but does God say “oh my….. I’m so concerned he isn’t keeping up with the systems man created” NO!
Who are we living for? Are we not pilgrims passing through? Are we not called to live to please God and for His glory?
Believe the truth our children are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made by God. Believe in the truth in HIS TIME He makes all things beautiful.
We can feel so much pressure by standards of others, educational systems, and miss entirely the beautiful purpose that is NOT of this world, but for the kingdom to come, that God wants to do in us and through us.
“walk with your children …” As Deut. says. Introducing them to real relationship with one another and Jesus. Over and over in everyday living. Work vigilantly on their character. This world is lacking character.
Our world is desperate for a model of God design relationships. If Christians don’t stand for the ultimate design and purposes of God, what will our world be left to look like?
Relationships with Him, our spouses, our children, it’s declining quickly in this culture. Home schooling is an opportunity to challenge our faith. To stop relying on our minds, and abilities, and learn to trust more and more in God alone.
Your kids will learn. He made your child. He made you to be their mom. Our character and theirs is the utmost value of our education. He is for you. He will never leave you or forsake you.
Now to Him Who is ABLE… for His glory! Amen.
Sometimes we fret over the fact our children haven’t grasped something yet. I am simply here to say, it just doesn’t happen the way we think it should happen, or in the time we think it should happen. At least in our story.
Pray about it. Believe His ways are HIGHER than yours. Ask yourself who told you by this age she or he should be doing this?
What brings your kids joy? What do they love? Race cars, jumping, running, super heroes, board games, wildlife, legos….??? Use those things they are connected into to connect WITH THEM, their education, and with JESUS. (if you want to know more of what that looks like, ask me).
Make small goals. So you can see and feel and experience a sense of accomplishment. So that your child and you can rejoice together.
Adjust as needed. Switch up the schedule. Tone it down for a week. Take a break.
If I could give you a movie of my life, it did not feel pretty at times. My body hurt. I was exhausted, felt overwhelmed, felt alone in certain seasons. I worried I wasn’t doing enough. But I fought my way out of that numbing, ugly mindset quickly. I was committed to this call, and knew I must find my joy and peace again. Abiding in Him. Obeying Him. Praying and believing He CARES about the desires of my heart. Seeking Him. Saying no to the other voices. Taking my thoughts captive. Fixing my mind and eyes, and heart and soul on HIM.
Our boys are teens and I write to tell you, the joy grows daily in schooling them. There is a new, fresh, exciting joy in these teen years. To see what God has done. Reflecting on His faithfulness to keep me going onward in belief. That seems a rare thing I hear about teenagers. I often hear of dread, gloom and negativity about the teen years. I am experiencing amazing relationships and seeing our boys take flight, in their own special way, in a relationship with Jesus, others, and embracing academics.
This past year, I was asking myself again, HOW WILL I? This seems impossible, with the moving in of my dearly treasured mother-in-law. How will I truly love her? Care for her? As well as manage my own challenging health issues, and school my children?
Through difficulty, God grows us. And shows us the WAY to life! He has blessed. And making a beautiful flow happen in His love overcoming, His grace sufficient in our utter weakness, we are experiencing the JOY of the LORD and the beauty of His plans.
God’s love is committed to us. We can grow in an understanding of His love and grace as we march on committed to Him.
(I wrote this in a whirlwind of emotions. It’s how it came flooding and I just wrote. No time to critique, move it all around into proper paragraphs and such. I have much to be about. But wanted to share, in hopes to encourage, and give God glory!)