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The Invisible Stepping Stones – We Walk by Faith


“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”  Luke 1:45


They are there.  We may not see them.  The next steps God has for us.  It is the minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month to month, year to year,  dependency on God by His EVERY WORD and prayer that leads us step by step onward to the Kingdom that awaits.

I can look up ahead and I do not see the next steps. But.. I imagine how God sees, with every single one already laid out.  With every single detail of our lives. I also see Him, picking us up, when we fall off that path, and by His faithful, strong hand, placing us back on the path.  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Ps. 119:105

I keep praying the Lord show me the next step for “this” and then “this” and “this”, particular aspect of life in Him.  God already has every single step laid out for us.  That is just magnificent to meditate on. We can cling to His EVERY WORD as we wait it out in obedience, truth of His promises, and fervent effectual prayers.  He is faithful and true.

We can see the needs. Our Father in heaven already knows what we need.  Some prayers get answered in 20 years or more, some in the moment, some the next day, some in a couple weeks.  No matter what, God will provide comfort, strength, help, wisdom, and HOPE in clinging to Him as we wait.

Two weeks ago, I stood on this path God has taken us.  So many stones in place.  He has provided big time, and I say, exceedingly abundantly, laying out each step as we walk in His faithful plan.  I looked ahead, for this specific need, I saw no more steps to walk on, but looked further ahead to the Kingdom, where we are heading, knowing the Father will provide. I could see the necessity of that NEXT STEP to be provided, for the building of our sons future.  I decided to commit to pray now, believing God’s timing and provision. Just a few days ago we received a completely unexpected phone call in direct answer.  God was answering my prayer.  But!! I had NO idea there was a phone call (yet), as I was not there to receive it, and I had not received the message that was left.  God does not fail.  He fights for us.  He is faithful to His plan. My husband and sons a day after the message was left, bumped into this same person in the grocery store.   “did you get the message”?  It was just the message from God I was waiting for.  The next step!!!

We walk by faith, not by sight. Much of this one stepping stone to the next, I learned quickly through the introducing of motherhood with a baby boy born after stroke, then health issues of my own, as well as persevering through the breaking of chains that attempted to wrap around and bind me up again and again (God has Delivered me).

As Believers in Christ, we stand on the solid STONE.  Jesus the ROCK of our Salvation.  When we can see no other stepping stones further out, we can stand on THIS ONE PRECIOUS STONE, and although we look out and are surrounded by overwhelming unknowns, God will place the next step, and another.  In fact, they are already there, it’s a matter of walking out, as He leads onto the next.

Once again, God has provided this CRUCIAL stepping stone for our sons growth and future.  Our sons are  thrilled, as parents we are thrilled, and the messengers God sent are also thrilled.

“Children are a heritage from the Lord,  offspring a reward from him.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior…”

Psalms 127:3-4

“like arrows in the hand of a warrior…”

WE are strategic where, how, when, we send out our children in various ways.   We believe God is very specific and strategic in the exact ways in which we “step out”.  I had VERY specific desires of my heart and requests, that the places we send them out, He would provide stability, mentoring support, in order to enhance their growth and godliness.

God sent an older couple from the Body of Christ who were in need of strong strapping young men to work.  I dropped our sons off yesterday for their first paid job with this mentoring man of God, who encouraged them with gentleness and strength, showed them the way, and gave them the most amazing gift, Godly encouragement to work hard, grow, and become men of God who are able.

It is because of their own wonderful dad, they have been prepared well for this.  As my husband, continues to lead our sons, we are grateful we can begin to exercise sending out these “arrows” to serving, training, and growing.

I think about every single tiny detail of raising our sons.  From a Pediatric Stroke Survivor who needed a very specific kind of care, technique, and both our sons needing so much as the individual, unique creations of God. God’s grace sufficient.  His power made perfect in our utter weakness.  Our repentance as parents when we have missed the mark.  Forgiveness, grace, mercy.  God WHO is able and for us, accomplishing His plans.  I cannot express enough of how I KNEW God had very specific plans, and yet I really had no idea what those were or how to approach.  I saw (and still do see) such need before me, and I didn’t even know how to meet all the need in my own strength. I could not.  I had a NEED!  JESUS!  I praise God that HE IS ENOUGH.

In fact, I opened my bible today and this is what I saw, I wrote and highlighted many years ago.

“now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled.  And they realized that they had been with Jesus”  Acts 4:13

God has a plan for Believers lives.  As families, for our children.  As individuals in a relationship with Him.  His word says.. “I KNOW the plans I have for give you a hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11  His plan includes every next step we need.  His plan includes the power of His Holy Spirit living in us, as we approach the throne room of Heaven, BOLDLY that He will provide help and grace in time of need.  (Heb. 4:16)

Sometimes, we may not know the next step, but as we cling to “GOD KNOWS THE PLAN”, and it is good.  Knowing it is directly tied to the most important plan He has, to bring us to maturity in Christ, and to enter His Kingdom forever, we can walk it out in FAITH in HIM.

May we be filled with HOPE as we keep trusting in Him.  The God Who is ABLE, FAITHFUL.



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