Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name;
Worship the Lord in the ]beauty of holiness.
The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
The God of glory thunders;
The Lord is over many waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
The voice of the Lord is full of majesty.
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars,
Yes, the Lord splinters the cedars of Lebanon.
He makes them also skip like a calf,
Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild ox.
The voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire.
The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness;
The Lord shakes the Wilderness of Kadesh.
The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth,
And strips the forests bare;
And in His temple everyone says, “Glory!”
The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood,
And the Lord sits as King forever.
The Lord will give strength to His people;
The Lord will bless His people with peace.
Psalms 29
So blessed to arise this morning and read Psalms 29. I have loved this verse for many years. The consideration of the power of God’s voice is breathtaking. I read slower today, taking in each thought, each verse, each word. Decided to see if Charles Spurgeon the great preacher of the mid to late 1800’s may have spoken on this Psalms. Sure enough, he did. I grabbed onto a few nuggets that personally touched me profoundly. I am grateful for this man of faith, who has passed on such a rich Spiritual legacy, his sermons and writings, to generations to come.
1.God’s works and God’s word joined together: “let no man put them asunder by a false idea that theology and science can by any possibility oppose each other”
2. Call to Adoration – Recognize His glory and might – ascribe it to Him in songs and in heart. Unto God alone must honor be given.
3. Natural causes – as men call them are GOD IN ACTION. We must not ascribe power to them, but to the infinite invisible Who is the true source of all.
4. The Voice of the Lord – since it peals from on High – it surpasses ALL OTHER SOUNDS. It inspires awe. The Psalmist hears no voice but that OF JEHOVAH. The Lord is upon many waters. Still the Psalmist’s ear hears no voice but that of Jehovah, resounding from the multitudinous and dark waters of the upper ocean of clouds, and echoing from the innumerable billows of the storm tossed sea below. The waters above and beneath the firmament are astonished at the eternal voice. When the Holy Spirit makes the divine promise to be heard above the many waters of our soul’s trouble, then is God as glorious in the spiritual world as in the universe of matter. Above us and beneath us all is the peace of God when he gives us quiet.
5.The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire – The thunder seems to divide one flash from another, interposing its deepening roar between the flash which precedes it and the next. That the flashes are truly flames of fire is witnessed by their frequently falling upon houses, churches, etc., and wrapping them in a blaze. How easily could the Lord destroy his rebellious creatures with his hot thunderbolts! how gracious is the hand which spares such great offenders, when to crush them would be so easy! Flames of fire attend the voice of God in the gospel, illuminating and melting the hearts of men: by those he consumes our lusts and kindles in us a holy flame of ever aspiring love and holiness.
6. Low lying plains must hear the voice of God as well as lofty mountains; the poor as well as the mighty must acknowledge the glory of the Lord. Solitary and barren places are to be gladdened by the gospel’s heavenly sound. What a shaking and overturning power there is in the word of God! even the conservative desert quivers into progress when God decrees it.
7. Lightning effects in the midst of darkened places of a forest. The gospel has a like revealing power in dark hearts, in a moment it lights up every dark recess of the heart’s ungodliness, and bids the soul tremble before the Lord. In his temple doth everyone speak of his glory. Those who were worshipping in the temple, were led to speak of the greatness of Jehovah as they heard the repeated thunder claps. For God, when he rides abroad upon the wings of the wind, all things are vocal in his praise. We, the redeemed of the Lord, who are living temples for his Spirit, as we see the wonders of his power in creation, and feel them in grace, unite to magnify his name. No tongue may be dumb in God’s temple when his glory is the theme. The original appears to have the force of “every one crieth Glory, “as though all things were moved by a sense of God’s majesty to shout in ecstasy, “Glory, glory.”
8. The Lord sitteth upon the flood. Flood follows tempest, but Jehovah is ready for the emergency. No deluge can undermine the foundation of his throne. He is calm and unmoved, however much the deep may roar and be troubled: his government rules the most unstable and boisterous of created things. Far out on the wild waste of waters, Jehovah “plants his footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm, “Yea, the Lord sitteth King for ever. Jesus has the government upon his shoulders eternally: our interests in the most stormy times are safe in his hands. Satan is not a king, but Jehovah Jesus is; therefore let us worship him, and rejoice evermore.
9. Power was displayed in the hurricane whose course this Psalm so grandly pictures; and now, in the cool calm after the storm, that power is promised to be the strength of the chosen. He who wings the unerring bolt, will give to his redeemed the wings of eagles; he who shakes the earth with his voice, will terrify the enemies of his saints, and give his children peace. Why are we weak when we have divine strength to flee to? Why are we troubled when the Lord’s own peace is ours? Jesus the mighty God is our peace–what a blessing is this today! What a blessing it will be to us in that day of the Lord which will be in darkness and not light to the ungodly!
Dear reader, is not this a noble Psalm to be sung in stormy weather? Can you sing amid the thunder? Will you be able to sing when the last thunders are let loose, and Jesus judges quick and dead? If you are a believer, the last verse is your heritage, and surely that will set you singing.
Another beautiful, meaningful message.
Thank you so much. I feel so peaceful after reading your messages. I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you Jesus 🙏