God created us for relationship with Him and one another. Sin separates. Jesus Christ demolishes sin, and bridges the gap to a life with the Lord.
Praying for your children. Found these, I had a whole ringer full, that I was gifted with when I started my motherhood journey. A couple of sample prayer cards I modeled after in a couple in a million prayers for my sons.
Friendship Prayer: Was answered by God in a unique way! I also prayed for them as siblings to have a very close knit relationship. God answered my prayer in MAKING THEM BEST FRIENDS, (THEY DO LIFE TOGETHER) They are their ONLY peer aged friends, (sweetly content in loyal bond of trust and support) and BROTHERS as well as in BEAUTIFUL BLESSING OF BROTHERS IN CHRIST. I truly marvel at what God has done. (Note: God also called me to labor diligently ’til Christ formed in them, over many squabbles, tizzy fits, when they were very young in relating. Catching them in each sinful moment. Showing them sin, showing them scripture to correct, showing them scripture to encourage them on. Also catching them in the Godly moments, and speaking blessing to them and praise with them to God )
Second Prayer Card: Treasuring God’s Word. Praise God! I am grateful even at their current age, God is blessing us with the gift of making our days a place of a sort of BIBLICAL ACADEMY FOR CONTINUED STUDIES. Using several various resources, devotions, old time preachers, and more to teach, talk, and soak up as much as we can.
I am sharing this because I desire to share the GOODNESS OF GOD. So much around us tells mothers our calling is mundane and unimportant. In the hardest of days, as we stay the course, refuse the world and lies of enemy, and obey God…HIS LOVE, HIS POWER, HIS AMAZING GRACE, OVERCOMES every weary day, and every battle so hard, and renews with fresh mercy and strength, seeing, experiencing, His work, His glories, His purposes.
“Only one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last” – CT STUDD