Then. Now. Same place. Newport Dock. 14 years in-between. This was fun.
I will never stop proclaiming the greatness of our God. He is our EVERYTHING through all seasons. I am in awe of the kindness of God to bless us with children (an answer to my fervent prayers and waiting and submitting for years to God) and Jesus’ covering over us. In awe of The Father’s love by His Words to instruct and guide us. “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the heavens” Eccl. 3:1
Seeing God’s continued leading, provision, through new seasons. It’s beautiful. Oh yes. There are many trials. However, the Beauty of Jesus Christ, His leading, strength, and blessing is just indescribable.
As women of God, it is so rich to abide in the scriptures, and see how the Lord has a purpose through every season. As wives, mothers. Young mother’s. Older women. On and on. Our purpose is to live according to the scriptures through every age, stage, of life. What a wealth of information the Lord has placed in our Bibles, to move us onward strategically, by His plan. Serving the Lord with gladness. Maturing in faith. Sharing the joy of our Salvation.
I look to some older women in the faith, have been encouraged to see their humility, integrity, obedience to God. No compromise. I look to the scriptures and find such people. By God’s grace, no compromise to the world’s standards or fleshly pursuits, but all in to serve their Lord and Savior, even unto death. Victory. Pleasing the Lord. I am encouraged.
You want identity? Find it in Jesus Christ. Receive Him as Lord. Become a child of God. In all seasons, we have purpose. Every single day of our lives. We belong to Him. We are living with the knowledge prominently running through our souls, our life on earth is a vapor. We are given one more day here, make it truly productive for what matters to God. We cheerfully serve for the sake of the Kingdom we belong to now and will live in for all eternity.
“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18
(This scripture was once upon a time painted on their bedroom wall. However, most importantly it is etched on the tablet of our hearts)