I see God has given us TODAY!
A gift to be embraced.
And I see the near future of a whole lotta fruit and veggies from our bounty and neighbor’s shared bounty being transformed into all kinds of wonderful things in our kitchen today.
I also see no matter what this day holds, God goes before His children. He opened our physical eyes again today, but greater is His grace that has opened our Spiritual eyes. Saved by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
He has paved the way to everlasting life, and has already paved the way to walk this day. He knows the obstacles we may come upon and how He will lead us to overcome, and the ways in which He will guide us, as we follow Him. (PS. 128:24, Prov. 3:5-6)
Because as delightful are the earthly gifts and moments, the Lord delights most in transforming His children into who He wants us to be. Removing all unnecessary pieces, and stripping away, and making us sweeter to His praise and glory!
Now onward to the kitchen to peel, cut, remove, turn up the heat, and transform.
Onward to….
“Taste and see the Lord is good. BLESSED is the man who TRUSTS IN HIM” PS. 34:8
And at the end of the day, this was fun! Italian Cherry Cake. Cherries from our family trip to the orchard. Zuchinni Bread and Italian Veggie Pasta Salad thanks to our neighbor sharing her garden bounties. Summer blessings!
Home sweet home.