There is a zillion emotions, words, and story that goes long and deep. But just simply looking at this picture, no one would know that. Except us. Last night I spent a little time reflecting that March was the month that we walked out of the doctor’s office stunned by the harsh info. we just received. Reflecting on our beautifully hard and wonderful journey.
This morning, I melted in tears as I read a facebook memory, realizing it was EXACTLY 4 years ago to the day- today, March 16, 2012. I know God wants me to share this. I do share for HIS GLORY!
4 YEARS AGO I DESPERATELY yearned with every heart string of my being to understand our son. So that I could meet him there, help him find his special way in this world. I had written that day, and am blessed by reading the HOPE that I did hold onto. And the visions I had. To find a way for Isaac. It was a time of paring down my life and “being” with my family, eliminating distraction (even the great and Godly things).
There was anguish, tears, and still so many unknowns. “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”. “call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know”. Jer. 33:3
Our lives have changed drastically since that day. And that is GOOD! WE all needed a change! We ALL needed a transformation. It wasn’t just Isaac that needed help. It was our entire family! We needed more of Jesus, less of the world, less of “ME”. We have gained that. And Isaac has gained much! Brain integration therapy, speech therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and more. Those were just fancy terms to us for walking our children through life. Taking the concepts along with GOD’s word that is sharper than a two-edged sword and applying.
AFTERALL THE FINAL WORDS FROM THE SPECIALISTS AS WALKED AWAY… “KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING” AND IN THE HARSH BROKEN DOWN REPORT, THE BEAUTY THAT SHINED FORTH WAS CONFIRMATION FROM GOD… AS THE RECOMMENDATION IN SO MANY TERMS (be near him, and walk and talk him through every scenario of life, and repeat) THE EXACT COMMAND OF GOD WE HAD ALREADY SET OUR HEARTS ON: “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deut. 6:6-8
This picture I share…. IT’S SPECIAL. As I laid resting and a bit under the weather the other day. Our boys were given a packet of studies to work through. I rested, I GOT BLESSED. Watching these two, side by side, working heartily with focus, with joy. Responsible, with peace and calm. Isaac flipping through the pages of scripture to find info. (just that alone would send him through the roof with anxiety). Both of them together. Maximus always wanting to be by his brother side. Maximus participating in Brain Integration Therapy because he just wanted to be with brother. Maximus helping his brother on a stuck question this day in not understanding what he was reading. Then Isaac sitting with Maximus to help him finish his work. Once upon a time, Isaac didn’t have the peace to even unravel his own stuff… but now the peace and ability to not only handle his own but to come alongside and help another??? AMAZING! Maximus listening and focused. The two of them fully engaged in learning, and just being. And goodness… they flowed as I GOT TO LAY AND REST AND BE BLESSED.
IT’s SO WORTH IT! For all the days that I felt like I was going to drop over dead, Christ JESUS my Savior resurrected me again and again, and HE HAS DONE WONDERFUL THINGS!!! NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME BE THE GLORY OH LORD!
“my little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you.” Gal. 4:19