Carried on from childhood. “I love God’s Word” inscribed in my 10 year old printing style. My youngest son is now the true holder of this as I passed it on. The Words in this have carried me and all of us through life. Providing. And once again, I REJOICE how God’s WORD carries us onward….
THE BIBLE -Full of more goodness than we will ever be able to comprehend in this lifetime. What we as Believers experience is beautiful beyond description now, the beauty and treasure that unfolds in getting to truly know our God deeper and deeper still, is awesome. In faith, we believe that there will always be MORE available to us, in this unending treasure, to enhance us and make us more ALIVE as we continue to dig deeper and deeper until we meet our Savior. How I REJOICE AT HIS WORD that GIVES LIFE! All our days, including our home school days!!! The BIBLE has been our MAJOR focus of STUDIES and the multiple ways in which we have been able to get to know JESUS through studying vast academics through this source of life is astounding.
TODAY, in HIS MERCIES anew, as I have felt compelled to hone in and enhance as a major focus -vocabulary, going further. HOW GOD VIVIDLY showed me in these upper and older, years of training up in richness, the BIBLE will be our MAJOR means for this! It’s ABSOLUTELY THRILLING to see how many words come up in a day just through daily relationship, that I am able to grab and find these WORDS in the BIBLE. A journal of “words” followed by a pertaining SCRIPTURE with that word or synonym. They will write the scriptures, get acquainted and experience academic growth and get even more acquainted with their Savior. They have been walked and talked for years to know our sin, and need of this SAVIOR. Pointing to His Word constantly. As we apply each word to a WORD from the LORD – they easily COMPREHEND and the meaning and uses STICK! Stick to everyday word usage in grammar, as well as EVERYDAY uses for our hearts, minds, souls!
THIS IS THE GIFT, and even more… and more of the SCRIPTURES. “THANK YOU GOD for not leaving us on our own, but DRAWING US to YOU and leading us down Your path of everlasting LIFE”
I love to SEE THE LIGHT, INTRIGUE (I believe an adoration), expression of joy in my oldest-as he sees the bible continually used in all that pertain to life, how valuable this BIBLE is – a constant source of our help and strength.
“…strengthen me according to your word.” Ps.119:38
“The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” Ps. 119:30