“in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
Genesis 1:1
My son and I had the privilege to visit a local science museum the other day. He has studied for nearly 15 years now a ton about Creation, Science, Bible, and most important the wonderful relationship God has given him through Christ Jesus the Lord.
It’s been a gift to home school all these years. God is faithful through every low valley and high mountain top with all the ins and outs of raising children, discipling, marriage, health issues, and more.
We give Him glory as we continue to experience a very powerful, loving, relational God.
We entered the paleontology lab with this dinosaur fossil gifted to him. An appointment to try and determine the “kind” of dinosaur this came from. We discovered most likely it is the backbone of a very large dinosaur called a Sauropod.
The man who helped us determine this, began to speak on evolution. This is where my son’s heart came shining through. Because of all the years he has quoted animals facts, studied away, opened books every morning and throughout the day to learn and learn, from the time he was old enough to do so, the bible was always right alongside. Not only this, but he would share these fascinating facts with others. Some enjoyed it, others not so much. Fearfully and wonderfully made. Why is he talking about animals constantly? Because it is attached with a heart huge and wide for the glories and wonders of Creator and Savior God. Not only this, it is attached to a heart filled with love and passion for the truth, for the sake of others to know God the Creator, Savior in relationship and forgiveness of sins and everlasting life in heaven with Him forever.
Not everyone understands “little” children. “let the children come to me and do not forbid them for such is the kingdom of heaven”. Now there is much foolishness bound up in the heart of a child and we are to train them up towards Jesus. But Jesus also recognized the gift of children and their simple faith. My son has had that from an early age. And only continues to grow as he discovers the wonders of our wonder working God.
So… back to my son’s heart shining through. Though we went there to know the “kind” of dinosaur fossil – that was a great purpose. The greater purpose was to share truth all for love, and the door was opened, so he walked in.
I saw my son’s maturity level grow before my eyes. What once was a challenge to articulate in the midst of such opposition as such, now had grown leaps and bounds. I praise God. Taking many facts, evidences, and the bible together, with love and respect and in truth. I know for certain this child would have been lost in the havoc of a sea of students had he been in school out there. God planned for little ole me to be this young man’s teacher, and oh how I would learn so much. After facing much challenging opposition from a few on this day, he thanked them for the opportunity to meet and left them with a piece of dinosaur art he drew as well as this message:
“in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
Gen. 1:1
God made the world in 6 days.
He is a powerful God and a loving God.
He created man in His image.
He desires relationship with you and I.
He created dinosaurs and every living thing to show His power and love
So that humans would believe that He is God.
Sin separates us from God.
God in His love, even planned out how to solve this problem.
Jesus the Son (God in the flesh) came down, to sacrifice His life and then rose again from the dead, proving He is God.
What a wonderful gift.
All we need to do is accept we are not perfect, but God is, that His love desires us to live with Him now and forever.
Jesus takes away our sin, when we acknowledge we are sorry for our sins, repent, and He gives us a new life.
He not only created you and I, and all the earth, but He is now even, creating a place for those who believe in Him to live forever.
The bible is a wonderful book. God’s Word. Full of wisdom.
I want to include this wonderful resource on the truth about much, including dinosaurs, fossil records, and more.
You can go to ICR.ORG
Will you receive Him? Will you open the Bible and seek Him with all your heart you find Him? Will you accept the gift of everlasting life in heaven?
John 3:16, Rom. 3:23, Gen. 1:1
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
May I encourage anyone today, “do not grow weary in doing good, for you will reap a harvest if you do not lose heart”
Gal. 6:9
Whatever God calls us to do, may we seek Him, recognize our children’s giftings and challenges. May we see sin and need for pruning, and more pruning, and more pruning, of attitude, character, and may we then see the promise of fruit.
We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Jesus saves sinners. I am one. And so is this young man. We acknowledge how weak and how easy it is in an instant to go our own way – pride-sin. We are all growing and learning to depend on Him minute by minute all the way to heaven. As we desire to encourage others, share in God’s glories.
Do not ever let anyone look down on your child, if he has disabilities, quirks, learning differences, and more… seek God for the gifts, own also this child needs the Saving grace of Jesus. Get to their heart and teach them they (as we also as parents) will need God to keep getting to our heart every day until we meet Him. See the fearfully and wonderfully made in your child, and see the sin. Prune away, and encourage away. We have a limited window of time.
God bless you on your adventures with your fearfully and wonderfully made children.
And if you want to know more about the saving faith of Jesus – please ask us. Or open up a bible and ask the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength to bring the scriptures to life. And keep praying and seeking Him everyday.
There is power and so much more than we will ever know in this life of the wonder working God of love who saves from sin, death, hell and offers the gift, if we choose to accept of everlasting life.