Our world needs men. Real men. Men with hearts to follow God. Sold out and radical men. Our boys need Jesus! In an ever increasing evil world. Boys need Jesus more than anything – they need eternal life as well as life abundantly until that day. How do boys find Jesus and come to rise up in the world to be real men? The word of God. In a world with messages at every turn contrary to God, the devil is on the prowl seeking who he may devour. I’ve taken my boys to the library, grocery store, pediatrician’s office, and a children’s science museum in the past month and seen the lies right in front of our noses waiting to penetrate minds and snatch out souls. What a beauty to walk side by side with God’s word to declare truth and teach discernment, in a crooked and perverse generation.
We can teach our children math, language arts and so much more but what about the wisest man that ever lived? Solomon, what did he say at the end of his life?
“And further, my son, be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.” Eccl 12:12-13
God used this same man in Proverbs to say these words for our sons: “My son, hear the instruction of your father, And do not forsake the law of your mother; For they will be a graceful ornament on your head, And chains about your neck.” Prov 1:8-9
We need God’s Word – not a little – A LOT. We need to believe it is for us. That it is indeed ALL that pertains to ALL of life and godliness. We need to believe it is HIS WORDS for each of us. It is His word to help us with everything that pertains to life in raising our sons! We need to believe it, and not listen to the messages of fads, books, statistics and more!! Our God is magnificent, the ONLY ONE that deserves the title AWESOME! He is all knowing, all loving, all caring, all wise, and MORE THAN ENOUGH. We must listen, trust, believe, obey and refuse any other message. The devil wants our sons. He wants to convince us through the systems of this world that Christian parents are not enough.
Our boys need prayer. Oh yes, God’s words says so! So pray without ceasing. But let us never forsake HIS WORD and allow the enemy to steer us elsewhere. Remain in the ONLY truth. IN a world that wants NO absolutes to exist and no truth.
Our children’s first important and crucial instruction in their lives is to obey and honor their parents, with promises for good. May we never slack in our responsibility to believe this is crucial to the well being of our son’s soul. And when we do, may His kindness lead us to repentance quickly and may we rejoice in the Savior whose love will cover a multitude of sin. Train them up, teach them and talk with them night and day (Deut. 6), discipline them for their good, do not grow weary in doing good and believe a harvest is coming, press on as good soldiers, die to self and live for Christ.
We have two sons. Two VERY different boys. Each with their own challenges and abilities. I am determined to fight on for their souls, through prayer and the WORD-. I am determined that each time I die to my flesh (cause there has been much – ouch!! – yes praise him too!) through this process of parenting is bringing resurrection power as Christ died and rose victoriously lives in me. Take up the cross, follow HIM, in order to keep raising my sons to know the need of the SAVIOR and His great love.
Parenting isn’t JUST about our children. It’s about our families. The enemy wants us to believe that children belong everywhere else but under the loving Shepherding Christian parents. God created families! Through moms and dads and children we all are refined, disciplined, and grown for His glory and kingdom purposes. We are the body of Christ right in our own homes in our families. With God given abilities to serve and bless one another.
How far will I go? I have one son who does not comprehend like others do. But he does… in the way God made him. Break it down, draw, act out, and SO much more has been the aim!!!!! As Christians we want to get to the heart of our children. And yes, ultimately it is the Spirit’s work. And He works through HIS word to penetrate hearts, minds and souls. How FAR DID PAUL GO? “to the WEAK I became AS WEAK, I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I DO for the GOSPEL’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you.” 1 Cor. 9:22-23 ~Paul ! Transformed from wretched sinner to gratitude so great for the Savior’s work, he devoted his life to the most important cause. He stooped to make the gospel clear at the lower level of comprehension.
What happens when neurology and the Word of God agree (true story)… to sum up the recommendations for how to proceed in gigantic report 3 years ago (“keep doing what you are doing”): be near, and walk, talk, show, through every detail of life the way and repeat! “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates” Deut. 6:6-9. ~our verse from day 1. God’s confirmation. He means what He says. He is true. Take His word and go extreme. Jesus went to extremes all for love. And to Him the VICTORY!!
Two very different boys, neurological challenges, anxieties, strong will, sensory, ADHD, could be their names, and more.. there are many books written today on my boys. But I have a book GREATER and RIGHT and TRUE – GOD’s PERFECT HOLY WORD that says nothing is impossible. The creator and the One to meet the need. Taking every thought captive of mine and my children’s to the obedience of Christ. I choose ABOVE all to listen to God who created them. We must pray for wisdom,and He promises to give it, for how to reach our children. What is neurological, what is sin nature and more??? He is faithful!!
Is it tough? yes. Painful? yes. And is it beautiful? YES, YES and YES!! God’s work is beautiful beyond description. Christian parents are soldiers pressing on in the battlefield. We are not complete until we meet Jesus. He is working out our salvation, sanctifying our own souls as He is simultaneously working on the souls of our sons. That’s the beauty of the gift of children. Consider each day training grounds. What a privilege we have been given to be entrusted for a short time to preach the gospel to our sons, showing them they way, and leading them to Jesus.
Nothing is impossible with God!
So let us pray and cling to God’s WORD and believe in the the power of JESUS – the WORD that became flesh, lived among us, showed what real love means, and has given us the blessed gift of everlasting life.
(Based on General Douglas MacArthur’s Prayer for His Son)
Build us some men, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when they are weak; and brave enough to face anything when they are afraid; men who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat and humble and gentle in victory.
Build us some men whose wishes will not take the place of deeds; men who know You, Father, and Jesus Christ the foundation stone of everything Good.
Lead them, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenges. Here let them learn to stand up in the storm; here let them learn compassion for those who fail.
Build us some men whose hearts will be clear, whose goals will be high, men who will master themselves before they seek to master other men, men who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past.
And as these men all grow, add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor, so that they may always be serious, yet never take themselves too seriously. Give them humility, so that they may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the meekness of true strength, and to cry out for true wisdom.
Then we dads and moms will dare to whisper, “We have not labored in vain!”