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“Be Still”





It is possible! With man, impossible, with God all things are possible.  God said it. “KNOW”.
Know that I am God. How does acknowledging God impact our stillness?

We know that He is omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (present everywhere), omnipotent (all-powerful), holy, sovereign, faithful, infinite, and good.
Acknowledging God implies that we trust Him and surrender to His plan because we understand who He is. Surrender all. Every bit within us that wrestles in fear, anxiety, concerns, we surrender. And we pray Phil. 4:6-7.

It’s a way of life, in a constant state of looking to God in our weakness, asking Him for help, by His Spirit-our strength, thanking Him for WHO HE IS (as just mentioned above) and receiving His peace and power to guard our hearts and minds.

Walking in Him in a constant state of awareness of our deep need, and His presence and help, through His Spirit to each person saved and granted peace with God through Faith in Jesus Christ the Lord.

We can walk through a very busy day, with a plan, yet submitted to the Lord, ready to switch it up, to fit into His plan, “knowing” in STILLNESS, in peacefulness, His ultimate plan is being fulfilled, as He directs our steps.

Such a blessed highlight of our week as my son and I served alongside others, to share the love of Jesus, at a Children’s Horse Camp.
There was scorching heat, but we noticed the shade at our right hand, moments of a breeze, the blessing of water to drink in and also drench ourselves in. We thanked God. For I had even prayed night before that God may grant us some refreshing moments of a breeze. Moments in the shade provided along with that breeze, I immediately thought, “LORD, YOU ARE DOING THAT!”
Most importantly, Jesus the Living water Who fills us to overflowing washes away our issues of life day by day, strengthening and enabling us to overcome day by day. As His Living water also, poured out of us in various ways, to offer a drink of Spiritual refreshment through loving people, sharing about Jesus.
To the praise and glory of God.

STILLNESS, peace, in busyness, is accomplished through resting at the foot of the cross. Knowing we have peace with God, our sins are forgiven, life now and forever. Saturating our hearts, minds, souls in the power of the gospel. The Living Word of God!

The cross provided the way to PEACE. The God of peace, keeps teaching my sons and I, about this continual learning to rest, be still, and know He is God.
What a gift for the Lord to keep growing each believer in faith, as we serve our Lord of peace with gladness, sharing this gift with others. That they may taste and see that the Lord is so very good.
I am amazed at God’s work. His love, His faithfulness. I am amazed at the fountain of Life Giving Water, that continues to flow, wash, refresh, and bless our souls.
I am amazed how the verses in Psalms 46, surrounding this verse of BE STILL, speak of turbulent times, yet as we REALLY KNOW AND ACKNOWLEDGE OUR GOD, WE ARE EXACTLY THIS-STILL, PEACEFUL, AT REST.

God gives a promise to those who get to know God in Daniel 11:32. That He may do great things.
That He may be exalted, to the praise, honor, glory, due His great name.
Have a blessed day ya’ll!

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