His 16th birthday is next week. Here is last night. He was on our roof good chunk of day, cleaning off moss. This picture an exciting reward after a hard days work. Extracted almost microscopic creatures he had spotted in gutters, now to study. Using the VERY syringe sent home with him as a trophy, ten years ago, after a trip to urgent care, forehead wound cleaned and stitched back together.
So his birthday…. rather than our traditional party at our home this year (due to changes in the world) we are, Lord willing, taking him to the beach for a family celebration. Just saw forecast is looking like grey skies and rain. I am asking God for no rain and EVEN sun. I know what joy it would bring my son to explore God’s beautiful ocean creatures and all the more with no rain. Thy will be done.
Rather than be concerned about things I cannot control, (I know God is in control in His perfect love and power)God prompted me that HE WILL BE AS HE IS, THE “SONSHINE”. That also, His Light in me, I WILL BE SUNSHINE for my son. Take it further..ha! Maximus is a walking fire ball of “SUNSHINE”. The joy God has brought me through this child who delights in the little simple moments of life all day long!
I mean, God had me look at this simple blessing of gutter muck. He delights in ant hills in a parking lot, the dead wasp he used tweezers to attempt and remove stinger to study. Not to mention a 16 year old that wants A Pilgrim”s Progress cake with a cross and a man with burden of sin packed on his back being released as he celebrates HE IS FREE! JOY!
On his first birthday, God impressed these words for my son: “THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH” Neh. 8:10
Guess in my ramblings, just saying though life is altered in many ways right now. And it is for most, I am grateful for so very much. It’s all because of Jesus the Son Who is always shining.
And though my life is far from perfect. Our lives are far from perfect. This world is a mess. This is why we delight in THE PERFECT SON OF GOD.
Maximus wants to share Jesus. Because although he is passionate about studying God’s creation, his true passion is what Jesus has done for him in saving his soul , and continues to help him on this journey, and passionately longs with a deep burden for others to experience the power of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.
Because of Jesus,

(Jesus is preparing that perfect life as we progress into the Kingdom forever)
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Jn. 8:12

Happy 16th birthday Maximus. We all love you more than words can say. You love God, His creation, people made in His image with passion. We are grateful for you. “The joy of the Lord is my strength…Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on PILGRIMAGE. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly” Pilgrim’s Progress cake just assembled. Bring on the party in this adorable inn at the beach. (Neh. 8:10 and PS. 84)
Love: your whole family