When I was watching the movie Small Foot I noticed a bunch of things that they were talking about, that sounded similar to evolution. For an example, one of the beliefs written in stone showed that their world was an island that floated on thin clouds and when anyone fell into the clouds they would fall into the great nothing. Which meant that there is nothing down there below the mountain. Without even thinking about it all the yeties of the land believed this for many generations. This was not really true. The clouds were really steam made by a machine inside the mountain. And there was another world below the mountain.
This is like how people just believe in evolution without finding out for themselves what is true.So many people will swallow a story before pausing to think,” wait a minute is there really proof? ” So people swallow the teachings of evolution, that apes evolved into humans and dinosaurs lived millions of years ago before people existed, and don’t think about it to find out if this story adds up with the biblical account.
In the movie Small Foot there was a time when yeties lived beneath the clouds until humans started hunting them. So they climbed the mountain to stay alive because they knew humans could not survive up there. So the yeties made up many lies to protect themselves from humans.
In the end there was one yeti named Mego who found out the truth, chose to stand up for the truth, and told everything to his village.
The truth is that God created life and the world did not evolve. If evolution is true then death is the natural part of life for millions of years and life-forms evolved into other specimens. But the bible says that there was no death before Adam sinned. So if death existed before Adam then death wasn’t the result of sin, and if death wasn’t the result of sin then Jesus’ death on the cross could not pay the penalty for sin. And if the penalty hadn’t been payed then we would all be lost. I hope you won’t believe the lies of Darwin that has already deceived billions from knowing the truth.The truth will set you free. We have one book that doesn’t have any lies, the bible. And we know that our creator, God himself the Savior was there in the beginning of creation.
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32