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From My Corner of the World to Yours


The Lord’s voice fills the whole heavens and travels to the furthest ends of the earth.

“Keep listening to the thunder of His voice and the rumbling that comes from his mouth. Under the whole heaven He lets it go,and His lightning to the corners of the earth.” Job 37:2-3

What great encouragement. Wherever God has placed us this day, for the Child of God, we have Faith to believe that He is with us, and His Word as we take it in, as the powerful force it truly is, ministers strength to our innermost depths of our heart, mind, soul. We are not alone in our calling. He has called us to this place. His powerful voice reaches us, teaches us, consumes us, and blesses.

I was literally sitting in this corner of my couch resting in the Lord in my calling. Just prior I was on the floor of my prayer room pleading with God for the proper mindset and heart to go forth in His power for the day ahead.

So here I was simultaneously listening to one son in front of me, as he shared something he has been working hard on, while to my right another son was working away at another project. They both asking for my assistance. This moment, (all God preparing my heart prior in His Word and prayer)I was able to do both at the same time, and offer the encouragement and needed support. I was content and peaceful and restful in the Lord. I had planted myself in this particular sitting arrangement in an instant, to strategically be in a place to observe and help. Suddenly I smiled, I realized, I was sitting between two baskets of clothes and leaning on them.

And then I thought.

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms of the Lord.

How many saints before us were placed in plain and challenging places. Prison. Desert. Trials. Persecutions. Waiting. Resting. Serving. Praising. Praying.

To look into the Bible we see the saints of Faith Old and New Testament in corners of the world persevering in their calling as Disciples, resting in Christ the Savior. The Lord using them as they faithfully surrendered all and worshiped Him. The very Scriptures written, God’s Very Word, in these very low, humble, places.

The scriptures to be carried to the ends of the earth! Even first in our little humble corners of the world in our heart, family, home.

May God and His Word reach deeply into your heart whatever corner of the world He has placed you and may you feel the warmth of the tender mercies of a Good and Heavenly Father as you lean in on His everlasting Love and Truth. His everlasting arms that hold and carry us every day.

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