In the morning when I rise, when I am alone, when I come to die….give me Jesus. You can have all this world…give me JESUS. Singing this song in worship and praise to God Almighty. Mighty to save. This morning in my backyard. I see the sun, the moon, a flock of geese in perfect formation! Who can make this happen? Jesus!
I knelt on the grass. I prayed. I cried. I thanked God. He is holy. He is Perfect. Once I was in darkness, and He gave me life. Now and forever. I fail, I mess up, God does not! He draws sinners hearts to Him. He cleanses. Makes new. Forgives. I pray for this world. America. My family. Myself! Salvation. Restoration.
Revival comes to each person’s individual heart that acknowledges Him as Lord. Not just worthy to be praised in song, or words, or attending church, or reading the Bible. But through daily living in a heart in submission to His rule, reign, authority, and HIS WAY according to EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD. Jesus is God! Freedom! Truth! Life now and forever.
His authority and influence, among the people must grow. We are to point to Christ.
-As the light of the morning star fades away and is lost in the beams of the rising sun. Jesus Christ the Son is Risen indeed. John’s humility and willingness to be esteemed as nothing if he could honor Christ and point to Him.(bible commentary)
“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever” Daniel 12:3
“Heavenly Father. You are the answer to every broken aspect of this world. You are the ANSWER. The ANSWER to every aspect of each broken life. May we believe and receive, be healed, and saved not just in the physical present world and living, but Spiritually for all eternity. In Jesus name. Amen”