Little boys. God made them so sweetly, perfectly, delightfully with a unique make-up. Little boys are full of energy, curiosity, determination, awe, wonder, driven to climb, run, create, sing, laugh, bounce, move, (emphasis added on the bounce and move part) dream, construct, imagine, explore, THRIVE.
God’s design.
Then one day, mama will be sitting at the table, sipping coffee, smiling, enamored all God has done. Looking into the face of a 14 year old, viewing how God grows them into young men. Still full of all these things, and yet now even more so, because he has settled into a focus, self-control, discipline, able to do more and more. For God’s glory. Studious. Amazing to watch. Marveling and in awe. I smile. He writes. He thinks. He rechecks his work. He is not bouncy, right now anyway, he has learned the discipline of when to be still and when to move. We just started writing reports using the Torchlighters series movies. History of Christian Heroes of faith. It’s a special time to view and talk together as a family, and then send them off to write.
As a first generation home school family, there were doubts. The flooding mindsets of the world with expectations for educating, fitting in. I had to continually throw these off and trust in God in faith, what we truly believed was the way to life for our little boys. This would be different. We would not fit in. Soon I realized what a gift this was! Trying to squeeze them into a mold they did not fit. That was painful. My time of that was short lived…like a quick, by God’s grace turnaround, repenting and ready to embrace this new way of life. God grows little boys, IN HIS TIME HE MAKES ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL.
God grows little boys, and always, and most importantly in the inward character of the heart. With the goal, that these will not remain little boys, but strong, protectors, wise, obedient to the Word, men of God. Leaders. Able to teach, and to share the message of the gospel of Jesus.
We give them a place of nurture. Allowing them to learn in each new age/phase/season in the environment that enables them to thrive. Teaching them the scriptures, life skills, that life in Jesus, will always require learning, and transforming. That God created us uniquely with a specific purpose and plan. Ultimately, to glorify His name in whatever we do.
Life is a vapor, there is not much time, to do the work God has for us, for His sons and daughters. We are privileged to invest in this kingdom work. Would you agree?
“At 7 my teacher thought I was a dunce and requested I be removed from the school. But my mother believed that God had a special plan for me. Though I did not have my mother very long, she cast over me an influence with lasted all my life. The good effect of those years that she taught me at home I can never lose. If it had not been for her faith in me at a critical time in my experience, I should very likely never have become an inventor” Thomas Edison