I know Nothing – Apart from Christ

I KNOW NOTHING…I need to say, I truly am NOTHING without Christ. I often felt weaker than others around me, not able to lob a volleyball over the net in high school over hand and everyone else could. I had to work extra hard and persevere for it to finally come-and still was never easy. Academics were difficult, making friends in high school – I clung to my BFF and just afraid much of the time of the world around me. I often walked in tremendous fear and anxiety. I often doubted myself in most facets of life. Somehow by God’s grace inbetween all this I had my JOY spots. God has been the one to carry me my whole life. The enemy had a hay day with placing all these things in my life and a battle that has only been overcome – ONE PRAYER at a time and saturating myself in His Word and presence. 18 years ago is when I hit rock bottom and did not know how I would continue in this life. I went to the ONLY one Who I knew had saved me from eternal Hell for eternity, hoping He could save me from the hell of these daily battles. One summer night when I could barely move, I surrendered my WHOLE life (parts I was holding back) and committed to following Christ. It still has not been easy, but it has been rewarding and the best decision I’ll ever make. I have seen miracle after miracle. I have seen miracles almost daily. I  glory in the CROSS! I GLORY in the LORD who is my STRENGTH. It started with how do I live? How do I have joy? How to be a wife?  Will I ever have children? – the odds according to human understanding were stacked against me. Now how do I be a mom? How to love like God loves? What, me home school? How do I be a speech therapist to my 3 1/2 year old? How do I help him express his emotions? How do I do this life? IT HAS been with JESUS and ONLY because of HIM living in me that I am able to do this life He has called me to. I  rejoice daily, I rejoice because CHRIST IS MY EVERYTHING.  Because of His power, one day at a time He enables me to be and do what He calls me to do.  And when the enemy comes to attempt to steal, Christ’s resurrection power rises up strong to equip me.  “the Helper, the Holy Spirit, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things I have said to you.” John 14:26.  I love His faithfulness to BRING us into all truth.  “when the Spirit of truth, has come, He will GUIDE you into all truth…”  John 16:13  I love this scripture because it reminds me that our life is a process of sanctification, as He guides us along the way, teaches us (we are always learning and growing) into knowing truth about each and every situation we face in our life.  And “he is faithful to complete His work in us”  Phil. 1:6   I know who I am without Him and I know Who I am because of HIM and HIM alone. HE IS EVERYTHING TO ME. “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”Gal. 6:14
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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Tricia

    I can’t remember where it is found I think maybe in 1st or 2nd John, but it says, we have an unction from the Holy One and know all things. I love this verse, it is very encouraging (especially when we feel like we don’t know!) that we know all thing because of the Holy One in use.

    1. Tricia

      Oops, “us”!

  2. schoolingontherock

    TRICIA! Yes, that is 1 John 2:20!! I savor that verse! I also savor… JOhn 15:5 apart FROM HIM I CAN DO THING. And it is NO longer I, who live, but Christ WHO lives in me! Point being – IT isn’t about ME, it’s about CHRIST WHO LIVES IN ME – and equips me with EVERY GOOD WORK. I thank HIM for that!!! Apart from HIM I know NOTHING. I GLORY IN HIM! And the enemy comes to attempt to STEAL that truth – BUT HE IS FAITHFUL TO GUARD and KEEP what is mine. I want to share a personal message with you, so I”ll send it through FB.

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