Unrelenting painful circumstances, that wage war. Suffering, suffering. Begging for relief. Receiving blessed encouragement from others, YET.. YET… in a “moment” when it almost becomes too much to bear. Surely in this “moment”, empathy, compassion, will be exercised.
In this “moment”, Alone. “So it seems.” Surely compassion is fitting and right, this is suffering. How could this be missed? Perhaps it isn’t being missed, but my own fleshly perspective. A need only the Father is meant to meet.
Run to the Father. Cry out to Him. Remember His love. I am convicted as I see Jesus. Bloody and broken on that cross for me. Repenting as I realize I am thinking of myself.Demanding my own way. What I deserve. Then the reality of what I deserved, before GRACE entered my life, through JESUS. The torment and suffering He endured, I never will. The loneliness that was real upon Him, will never be my reality. Praising Him for the compassion of others. Yet reminded of the dying I must do, and the dependency on Him for all my needs. That I am called to love and show grace not when it is convenient, but even in the most difficult, painful times.
This suffering of the Savior could not be relieved. There was a holy work to be done. This SUFFERING had to happen, and He must endure this cross. Something glorious waiting on the other side of this. Beautiful life.
“Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” In SUFFERING, not one millisecond of looking out for Himself. Grace, love, forgiveness. Humility. Looking only out for others. For me. For you. ALONE! TRULY ALONE! The Father turned away not able to look upon this wretched sin that Jesus became. IN order to impart His own righteousness into the souls of those Who will Believe.
Because of this sacrificial offering of the Savior, I will never be alone. I am not alone. Christ’s power in me. Choose to believe in His love. Choose humility. Choose forgiveness. Choose grace. In the most painful moments of suffering… Be imitators of Christ and walk in love, give grace, forgiveness. Choose dying. Choose to receive the Ultimate Comforter. Choose life. Choose transformation. As Christ Jesus knew He must go to this cross, it had to happen. Thus, my flesh must die. As Christ Jesus rose victorious, each dying I die, I will indeed rise victorious. Believe it or not. I believe.
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Cor. 3:17-18