We are off to another year. Schooling on the Rock of Jesus. Because Jesus the Solid Rock on which we stand, out of Him flows Living water, and we grow in the grace & knowledge of our Savior.
I was so blessed to read this poem below while preparing to begin a new season. It came from their precious language arts reading and writing program. It gave us a vision to start off right. Going deeper in our commitment to do all things for the glory of God.
It was a sweet time. We read this poem together as a family. Then enjoyed this cookie treat I made in honor of the King.
We moved on the next day to art. Putting together a visual for who God calls us to as a family. While the title of the poem is What Shall We Children Bring? We know it is a call to each one of us to go deeper in bringing our hearts to the King in all that we do. As well as in repentance as we fall, and get up in His mercy, forgiveness, and grace and move forward.
Simple art. Nothing fancy. But makes a point for us in our goals, ambitions, and desires. We each added our own special touch. Including finger prints at the top for “clouds” the “heavens” which declare the glory of the KING. Who sits on His footstool, looking down over us in all that we do minute by minute each day.
We prayed, sang, (as the Lord always provides, and put the perfect song on my heart), created art, and ate in honor of the King.
We’ll bring Him hearts that love Him,
We’ll bring Him thankful praise,
And young souls meekly striving
To walk in holy ways.
And these shall be the treasures
We offer to the King,
And these are gifts that even
The poorest child may bring.
We’ll bring the little duties,
We have to do each day,
We’ll try our best to please Him
At home, during school, work, play.
And better are these treasures
To offer to our King,
Than richest gifts without them,
Yet these a child may bring.
1 JOHN 4:19
“Lord I give You my heart, I give you my soul, I live for You alone. Every breath that I take, every moment I’m awake, have your way in me… this is my desire to honor You…” We sing!