He runs to his master. Nothing else matters and there is no distraction, but fully fixed on the goal to greet him when he walks through the door. He then follows the master as he makes his way through routine to sit at his desk. He is completely content to be sitting at his master’s feet-it’s all he desires. Later he snuggles in his masters arms during prayer time. He has melted into a place of complete serenity. Hearts… beating against one another. This pup’s anxiety that he carries at times is vanished when HE is with his master. That’s all this pup desires is to be with his master. And what a BEAUTIFUL picture the Lord gave me today as this Malteze/Shitzu named Harry Boy, sat snuggled in my arms. The relationship we can have with our MASTER. Sin separates us from God and therefore He is not our Master. However, turning from our sin, and receiving the gift of the cross, surrendering to the Master brings relationship. The Master creator of you and me. The Master who instructs us, feeds us with His living WORD, and desires for us to abide with Him in all we do, and be that peace our souls need today, tomorrow and for all eternity. “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” Acts 16:31