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Oh Take This World-Reach Higher


Awoke this morning. I said, “thank You God for rising me up again today.” Read the news of various reports. I cried. I saw the sorrow, saw the wrong, saw the evil, saw the lost, hurting, broken, lonely.

I prayed. I felt pain grip me. And I lifted up my eyes again, away from this world, and toward the heavens. I glanced over and saw these flowers, lifted up towards the heavens. A glow of the sun shining on them. Pointing up. Praising the Lord. That’s what I desire to be doing, more, and more-praising God-giving glory to Him for all He is! All day long in living out my life.

What lifts me up? What brings me strength? When wrong, evil, sorrow, suffering, increases? My Savior! His love, promises, to His own. His commandments of how to live on, each moment to the next.  Commandments? One might say. Yes!

Obedience to His commandments. Belief in His every Word!

What do you believe? What or Who do you trust? Why all the chaos and evil in this world? Why does it increase?

Sin. Sin infected world. Sin. Doing, believing, living, “my own way”. We need Salvation people. Jesus Christ came to offer a way out of our own sinful nature, as well as the sin fallen world.

We must believe. Not in logic only. But with a longing, desperate, acknowledgment, “I am a sinner”, and Christ is righteousness. With a heartfelt gratitude, Christ paid the penalty for sin. Death on that cross. So that I might receive His gift of a new life in Him, to everlasting life.

You believe in Jesus? Then you will believe in all His Words in the bible. That very Holy Bible.

You believe in Jesus? Do you know Satan also believes? Satan KNOWS the truth. He KNOWINGLY believes, YET HE IS NOT SAVED. He opposes God and opposes God’s people. Rather hates! Hates truth! Hates the Holy God. Hates the Holy Bible! Satan logically knows God is God -Creator, Savior, Lord. But refused and refuses to bow down and worship Christ as Lord. Satan opposes God. He wants to be God. Satan will soon be thrown into the lake of fire to be punished, along with all who choose not the Lordship unto faith of Jesus Christ to be punished for all eternity.

Jesus has made a way out of the hellish ways on this earth and the forever hell for eternity!

What will you choose?

And when we say, we believe in Jesus! We must examine, is this belief like the demons-knowing, but not receiving the Lordship of Christ? Or is it what Jesus Christ the Lord, calls belief? Believe unto Salvation. Repentance. Turning from our own self will. Turning from sin. Turning to Christ as Lord. Commander of my life.

I lifted my voice, I sang – “in the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise, give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. You can have all this world, give me Jesus.”

What do we love? What is after life on this earth? Is there a heaven and a hell? Yes there is!

What will we choose today? Life in Christ? Or living only for now, and being my own “g” god- doing it my way?

I will never stop pointing others upward to the Hope and Love of Creator, Savior, God. Never stop hoping for others to receive the incredible gift of freedom and everlasting life offered to all who will call upon Jesus Christ as Lord and be saved. I will never stop thanking God for saving my soul, giving me a new life in Him, and a promised Perfect life to come in a new heaven and new earth. Dwelling with the Lord, Jesus, the Light – forever.

I will keep praising God through the turbulence of this unpredictable world. Those flowers, they are surrounded by dried, parched, flowers that did not make it. Life was sucked from them. 

God calls me to be that flower, that keeps flourishing, as Jesus the Son shines on His own. He calls me to praise Him in the midst of a dying world. He calls me to invite the showering living water of His every Word to refresh me. And oh how I desire this! I am aware, of the possibility to become dry, weary, yet because He lives in me, I receive His watering Word Who keeps me alive forever.

I can learn to redirect more and more my life, in  praising Him at all times because He is THE ONE I trust. Jesus the Son.  He saved me! He IS Stable, steady, unchanging, faithful.

My prayer is that you know Jesus Christ, not only in head knowledge, but through a personal relationship today, tomorrow, and all eternity. In a life surrendered to Him as Lord. My prayer is for myself to continue examining my own life, since it does belong to Christ- to see where I must decrease in my sinful nature, submitting to God in obedience, so that Christ will increase in me.

The wonderful freedom is Christ Jesus’ devoted love, wonder working power, continuing stripping away a Believers sinful nature, through sanctification/continued cleansing work-removing sin – seeing life in the perspective of a Holy God. It is freedom to get rid of sin.

Is it freedom to have a heavy burdensome load lifted off your shoulders? Think about a hard day’s work in the heat, laboring in a dusty field and farm. What freedom comes through a cleansing shower. The filth runs off, eventually the dirt water, turns clear. Refreshed. Clean!

Jesus labored in love to save men’s souls. Through the sacrificial death on a cross. A sinner hanging on each side. One mocked him. One an example of genuine belief. Confessing his own wretchedness of sin, acknowledging he did not deserve anything good, yet understanding this was Jesus and He alone had the power to save. Jesus’ mercy to this sinner was great. Promising he would be with Him that very day of death on earth, into the Kingdom forever. Jesus saved this man. Jesus forgave. Jesus saw the genuine faith. Jesus gave life.

He is God. This is testified through the witnesses of His resurrection.

And I testify to the intricate ways in which the enemy lures my flesh to behave in an instant in an ungodly fashion. I have been saved. And this same resurrection power fights for me, and wins! I thank God His Holy Spirit dwells in me, convicting me, as I repent, am turned again, to increase in Him, and decrease me.

Do you know joy? Freedom? Do you see sin is rampant? Do you know to the saving of the soul-belief in Jesus Christ?

I pray you do. And if you have not yet received this gracious gift? What are you waiting for? And if you have, and are struggling, have you found someone in the faith to encourage you onward?

I would be happy to pray for you. With you. I would be happy to share the scriptures together, with you.

There is hope. It is Jesus Christ. His Every Word.

Please read Ephesians 2:1-10 for yourself. Open your bible, or seek it on your phone, computer. Access the scriptures, please read.

The free gift. Resurrection life. The satanic force. Disobedience to Obedience. Our sinful flesh. The rich mercy of God! His great love! Not our works that save. But Christ’s work! A new creation we are, at the time of Salvation! Which leads to Christ’s continued work in us, through us.

Praise be to God! Death is swallowed up in victory! Through Christ Jesus Who IS LORD!






This Post Has One Comment

  1. Betty Bowers

    What a blessing was poured out on me this morning as I read this blog! Yes, I cried for a reason! Saw my daughter Wanda yesterday fir the first time in three weeks! My heart broke! Still breading this morning! Only God knows my heart! Praise Him! Praise Him!
    She is her own person, and I pray to our loving God that he is watching over her and our family! This h
    Is hard times for us all but because of the prayer warriors like you who are keeping us going! Thank you so much! 😍

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