An incredible master work of a gloriously created intricately woven spider web up high! (eeek and awe struck all in one) ☺We ALL marveled.
Perfect shirts to take home.
Isaac eyed the tag, and shared what he discovered, and taught us-KERUSSO.
We are home. LG HEALTH TRACKER: 9, 995 steps. 3.97 miles. Beautiful day. “I want to live like there’s no tomorrow, love like I’m on borrowed time, it’s good to be alive”
Living, learning, walking this life, in discipleship – Jesus said “come follow Me” and showed them the way, then He said: “go into the world and KERUSSO the gospel, to everyone” with the promise to be with His followers forever, preparing a place for us for all eternity.
“whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”
James 4:14