Through prayer the Lord graciously showed me practical things in this new season that have led to me finding rest, calm, peace, joy and strength to carry on. Along with this, after a lonely season of trusting Him, His provision has been beautiful through loving people within the body of Christ coming along side our family. A season of home schooling that has been ONE of the most rewarding. Praise be to a gloriously, gracious, loving God!
Coming to a wrap on this home school season, a few weeks ago I began to once again feel completely drained and exhausted. So the Lord decided it was time to give me another “MISSION” that I wasn’t sure was totally His mission initially because it kind of seemed impossible with compared to how I felt. With much prayer and surrender – “Lord I want to be in your perfect will, please reveal Your will through confirmation with a peace and assurance in my soul.”
And He confirmed SO vividly and so precisely to my request. He is so gracious.
The enemy of fear had come initially sweeping in, causing me to doubt how I would take on this NEW MISSION SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE, because I considered only my flesh and how weak I felt.
With surrender to His will, He had confirmed this was indeed our next MISSION and I no longer doubted “HOW?”, I just began to take one day at a time and trust.
The story of Gideon came to me this morning. As he faced a MISSION THAT SEEMED IMPOSSIBLE. “how Lord will I do this?” The Lord said: “go in the strength you have, am I not sending you?”. Gideon went and found victory by God’s power and strength. (Judges 6:14)
So this MISSION IMPOSSIBLE we started a few weeks ago? How is that going? Supernaturally wonderful! I smile wide and rejoice hugely, because it’s thus far, been a piece of cake. Why? Because God’s grace and strength is obviously upon us!!!!
We have started a new program for brain integration therapy that entails much more. Special resources targetting the areas I have still yearend in my heart to have more breakthroughs in, for us to expand what has already been built and established. I am excited at the work God is doing and will continue to do. I was warned it would be grueling and intensive. At this point, it has not! It’s been amazing, wonderful, victory filled already, and been a HUGE HUGE JOY and blessing. “go in the strength you have, am I not sending you?”.
You see there is a GREAT MISSION God has in mind here. It isn’t REALLY about brains and neuro pathways. It is something SO MUCH GREATER, it’s about HEARTS transformed by Him! Truly all that we have in this life He uses to mold and shape us into who He created and planned for us to be. Using the things we considered impossible, and the weak to show His love and power. EACH member of this family,God uses to bring about His purposes. There is the one that is the hard worker, then the prayerful encourager, the leader, the helpmate… and on and on… “now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Cor. 12:27
If I think about the life of Jesus. It was in His place of perfect humble submisison, Lord not my will but yours be done, when in His flesh completely weak and broken, that He gave it all, for the sake of VICTORY! It was God’s plan and mission to accomplish the GREATEST VICTORY!!
And I”m learning, when I do the same. Die to self (and this has been a process of dying for me), be humbly submitted to His will, that I find sweet VICTORY.
I don’t know what lies ahead and when weary days may come again, but what I can know is when God gives me a MISSION it is never IMPOSSIBLE. His grace is more than enough.
And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Cor. 12: 9 -10
Whatever your MISSION TODAY, may God’s GRACE come sweeping through to make that a MISSION POSSIBLE!!!!
I love that Judges’ Scripture, so encouraging!