There is something I want you to know. Recently the Lord has put road block after road block in the seeking His will, His path, His leading, for something so deeply tied in immense love to my heart. He continues to make it clear to “remain” in the good place He has called. Apostle Paul was in prison when he wrote these words below. He wanted to assure the saints. He wanted them to know, because he knew for certain, God’s authority over his life, had placed him in that prison for whatever allotted time He ordained. He wanted to assure, that there was GREAT PURPOSE. That the gospel was being lived, preached, heard, and people were being saved!
God wants us to know, when we trust His loving authority over our lives, and trust Him and not our own understanding (“this makes no sense to me Lord, but nevertheless, I believe in You”), when we allow the continued working of the gospel in our lives in every trial, and when we share and keep sharing the gospel with the lives around us, this is the GREAT PURPOSE, that is a promised blessed rich working, that advances us in our faith, and that God advances the gospel, drawing more people into saving faith, and building the Kingdom of God.
I want you to know…as I have witnessed a life, with God, once again, He saying “wait”, don’t move, He has revealed and assured something INCREDIBLE!
He is advancing the gospel! Through the “remaining” in the place He has sovereignly placed one life. He vividly opened a door of opportunity, in a most unexpected place, in a most unexpected moment, to speak the name of Jesus, and share the power of the cross. It’s a miracle. It’s the gospel that keeps working, for His glory, purposes.
There is no greater joy for a follower of Jesus, to know God is working in our lives, and that He is working through our lives, to advance the great cause of the gospel for the life of another, as we surrender, submit, and trust Him even when it makes no sense.
All of a sudden…it makes sense! It’s not about us, our hardship, our trial, it’s about the all wise God, who cares about us, as well as using us to advance His plans…go out and preach the gospel. Wherever He places us today.
Perhaps we are not in our ideal situation. However, it is God’s ideal situation. Saturate ourselves in the Word, prayer, and share this with others.
Are we in our little humble messy home? Live it. Are we in a humble job? Live it. Share it.
God has called us out and onward for His purposes many a times. However, often He wants us to remain and trust, and makes it clear to wait, and not fight against the so called prison walls so we may see it, like a place we want out of now, because its when we believe God is with us, for us, and actively working with power and authority, we ARE NOT IN PRISON, we are in the place God has us, free to believe, no one can take that away, our Salvation is our freedom, and power, and authority. As we hold on tight to His every promise, He will do His finest work, He will advance His Kingdom.
I want you to know, something has happened. A hardship, trial, pain. I want you to know, WHAT HAS HAPPENED HAS ACTUALLY SERVED TO ADVANCE THE GOSPEL!
My eyes have seen the GLORY OF GOD!
There is NO GREATER JOY for a Christian
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” 3 Jn. 1:4