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The Beauty of The Living Word

“Doth not all nature around me praise God? If I were silent, I should be an exception to the universe. Doth not the thunder praise Him as it rolls like drums in the march of the God of armies? Do not the mountains praise Him when the woods upon their summits wave in adoration? Doth not the lightning write His name in letters of fire? Hath not the whole earth a voice? And shall I, can I, silent be?” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

“I rejoice at Your Word as one who finds great treasure”
Psalm 119:162


The Word of the Lord is powerful. He spoke, He created the world. He has given us the Beauty of His everlasting Word.



Other day I was reading one verse in this Holy Bible. One verse I studied for a long while. I prayed, asking the Lord to speak from His Word to my heart for my need that day, He did so beautifully. Next morning, I was awakened to a very unexpected and unsettling circumstance. Wisdom from God was desperately needed. As I spoke to my sons, sharing the very potentially emotional circumstance, immediately, I was stopped, as the Spirit of God brought to my mind yesterday’s scripture! This was my direction. This was my answer! This was my peace!


I am awestruck. This one verse, a charge and command so specific over my life from God many YEARS ago, recurring verse over the years to conquer confusion from enemy, and one amongst so many, to cling to and not depart from… He brought me back to this one verse again, and it was on perfect target, hitting the bulls eye for EXACTLY my circumstance again. It truly is a marvel! In my heart and my life, Jesus Christ, His resurrection power, the Living Word – this Holy Book – power and love – a beautiful treasure.


The Lord knows exactly what each of His children need. He knows every moment, today, tomorrow. He knows what lies ahead. He was preparing me, By His Word the other day for the next day -the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, a verse, A Word from Him, cut through the potential confusion and doubt, and brought victory.


“give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
For they are life to those who find them…” Proverbs 4


“that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life.” Deuteronomy 30:20


“Be strong and of good courage, for you must go with this people to the land which the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall cause them to inherit it. And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Deut. 31:7-8


Whatever we face today, tomorrow, as a redeemed Child of God, He knows all and every moment and detail from today and into eternity, for each of us. He has given us the treasures of everlasting life, and the TREASURES of this Holy Book to empower us through His very Word, by His Spirit moment by moment, abiding in Him in prayer and His Word. He is LIFE!


Elisabeth Elliot ~
“Stay in the presence of God. Hold to His written Word, and hold yourself before it. You have God’s unwavering attention.”

I praise the Lord!


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