Asked one of my sons what his favorite song was. Just making conversation. He sometimes isn’t sure about narrowing down “favorites” of particular things. I really want to know him. A quiet one, and yet, the Lord gives me ways in which to reach inside and it is just so amazing. This time, immediately a fun way to challenge him to come up with an answer to this question. I did decide to make the question for the both of them.
Imagine, you find yourself on a deserted island. You are there alone for 30 days, until rescue comes. You are given one song. One song to listen to, play on a device. One song to sing. What would that song choice be?
One immediately had his answer. He would sing “Fix my eyes on Jesus”. The other needed time. I gave him plenty of time to think this through. I asked if he needed help to sort out familiar songs and make a list. He said, “no”. Hours later, he had his song. “BORN AGAIN”. I asked what he liked about this song? He loves the power in the music itself, but did he understand the lyrics? As we listened together and paused with each piece, I was blessed how he was able to dissect each part and put into his own words, demonstrating not only did he love the powerful music, but the power of the words. So amazing! Immediately I wrote down what he said, and with his permission, am sharing with you.
A few of the words by NEWSBOYS – BORN AGAIN
I found myself looking into the mirror
Knew I wasn’t who I wanted to be
I was living life the way that I wanted
But my eyes reminded me I’m not free
This is what it is, this is who I am
This is where I finally take my stand
I didn’t wanna fall but I don’t have to crawl
I met the one with two scarred hands
Giving Him the best of
Everything that’s left of
The life inside this man
I’ve been born again
This was his take away from the song.
“This man looks in the mirror and he sees he is a sinner and doesn’t want to be like this. He doesn’t like what he sees. He realized he wasn’t free because he was still doing things his own way. He wasn’t saved by the Lord yet. He came to know Jesus, and became a child of God. He gave his life to the Lord, is ready to stand in this, and he is going to follow Him the rest of his life. He is born again.”
This is also, who he is. Child of God. Born again. Making the stand to follow Jesus for the rest of his life. Even standing alone if necessary, on a deserted Island.
What is your favorite song? What song would you sing on a deserted island? We thought it would be fun to hear from others. Then we can listen, perhaps learn a new song, get to know you, and share together.