October 31st Belongs to the Lord! “This is the Day the Lord has Made..”


Every day, yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever is about the blood for us.  The precious shed blood of Jesus for the sins of the world!!

We celebrate daily the life in our Savior.  Our chains are gone!  Our souls are secure  we are no longer in bondage, we are set free!!  Because of sacrifice on the cross the shed blood of the Savior.  We daily honor Him, and October 31st will be no exception.

What will we be doing October 31st?  Celebrating life.  Praying over our neighborhoods,  rejoicing in fellowship with other believers in Christ, and sharing the gospel message with the one’s the Lord brings in our path.  All things we do every day!!  And this day will be no different.    “THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE I WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT”  PSALM 118:24

We have nothing to fear on this day.  Nothing.  As Christians we have the blessed security and peace that runs through our souls.

So what did I tell my 10 year old, when he knocked on his neighbor friend’s door to inquire about riding bikes, troubled over the sight’s he saw for their seasonal yard decor?  I told him to fear not, even though he walks through the valley of the shadow of death, fear no evil, for God is with him.  I told him to turn his eyes and thoughts from the evil and focus on the blood – that is the BLOOD OF JESUS.  Be thankful in these moments for what Christ has done, and fix his eyes on what is true, noble… fix His eyes on Jesus and the blood that sets men free!

What did I tell my son, who has already shared the gospel with his friends, when they keep bringing up their topics of blood and gore? I told him to bring out the salvation cube, and show them this…  simply say, THIS!! IS THE BLOOD I CHOOSE to THINK ABOUT everyday that saves me from sin and hell.

So what did my son do?  He did just that and MORE!  Broke out his cube and then went further and broke out his bible.   Marched into home, tucked the WORD under his arm, and sat on the porch and gathered a small crowd  and began to read in the book of Genesis, paraphrasing as he went, determined to show God’s full plan for the people.  I’m quite certain he would have kept reading all the way through Revelations, if anyone sat that long to listen.

Questions were asked, ears listened intently.  Some appeared to desire this truth, others were skeptical.  I made my way to the porch.  Engaged in answering some questions.  Shared more of the plan of salvation and repentance and faith.  Heaven and hell.  And on and on… sealed it all with a promise to pray and be available to their questions and needs.

October 31st will be no different than any other for us.  Celebrating life.  Celebrating the power of the blood of Jesus.

“the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it”  John 1:5

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