My new frother, my husband blessed me with has some serious power! It only takes a small amount of oat milk, touched by this new tool, to achieve a coffee cup of mocha topped and running over and then some.
Good morning Lord! Good morning friend. I pray you are well today.
I immediately thought of God’s power. Jesus love. I thought of how Jesus delights to show His power. Taking small humble people, with small offerings. Offerings, from the last of what one might have, from the weakest and smallest of people and situations-when offered up to Jesus, He multiplies, shows His greatness, to His praise and glory! The two loaves and five fish, ended up feeding over 5,000 with leftovers. In the book of Acts, after Jesus ascended to heaven, gave command, and promise. Many times, the apostles preached the Word of God in meager and dire, treated as small and nothings, and MANY thousands came to believe and were saved.
I marvel through nearly 51 years of life on earth thus far, how I have lived, witnessed, in this very truth. Destitute, poor, in need, offering myself to Christ. The times I did not try to force what I thought I needed, for school books for my sons, for so many variety of needs at times-emotionally, physically, but rather believed in Jesus Power and ability, placed my focus on the great commission-pointed myself and those around me (my children, etc) to Christ and His Word as I lived each moment, and have seen Him multiply to His praise and glory. Strengthened with His promise…”I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS…”
“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Matthew 28:18-20
Absolute Sovereign Authority. His unlimited Authority. He is with us even to the END OF THIS AGE. Until He returns boldly to judge the world and establish His earthly Kingdom. A Kingdom for all Who have received Him as Lord, will dwell forever hallelujah.
So whatever we face today. We can look to His power, and authority, and believe He delights in offerings of a humble heart, willing to “go” again today, in prayer, in service, in obedience, in trust in Him. Believing He will multiply for His Kingdom purposes, for His glory, for the result, reward, Spiritual richness needed so crucially above all. Hallelujah. Amen.
My morning. Making my mocha. Using a new frother. In a cup gifted to me by my son. Jesus draws me to power. Power of His mighty promised working, power to give us confidence by Him, to walk through this new day, by His great never ending love, and great promise…I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS.
“…my cup overflows. Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” PS. 23
Great is Thy Faithfulness.