This is a battle until we see Jesus. There is joy. There is blessing. There is victory. And there is a battle.
An ongoing battle against so much within, as the Spirit overcomes the flesh, and a battle around in the constant evils of this world. A very real battle in the spiritual world and realms of the heavenly places. Spiritual forces of evil and the Spiritual forces of God’s mighty angel army sent out by Him.
This is not our home. Our home is the KINGDOM of GOD. We are living each day for the KING of KINGS and Lord of Lord’s. We are living for the KINGDOM to COME.
Reminded, to buck up. Gear up with the Armor of God, and ENDURE hardship as a good Soldier. Not entangling in the affairs of this world. Jesus won the ultimate battle for us on the cross. He defeated death by His resurrection POWER. As imitators of Christ we take up our cross, deny ourselves and follow Him.
Remembering, each day is one day closer to living in His perfect Kingdom forever. Where LIGHT will be forevermore. No more dark days! No more pain, anguish, hurt, despair, heartache, tears, fears, temptations. No more SIN!
Pressing on in Thanksgiving, He has given us HIS HOLY WORD – SHARPER than a TWO EDGED SWORD to overcome every lie, every obstacle, every sin, every temptation, every confusion, EVERYTHING against His will and Spirit. Praying and never ceasing. More and more and more. OUR GOD IS FOR US! HE goes before us. He is with us! And by His AMAZING GRACE has given His children victory today and forevermore.
Singing into the battle today. Praising Him for His power and His love that hears and answers. Believing in HIM!
This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long.
You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.
2 Timothy 2:3-5