I have had mine a long time. It’s very worn. Because I have desperately searched daily to know God’s way. I wanted a new life, and I knew His Word is the Light to guide my way to this new life as I broke free of the darkness I no longer wanted to be apart of. Personal notations and underlines inside. I have literally slept with it across my heart on a few difficult nights in my life. It has walked with me and by the Holy Spirit’s power strengthened me by each Word, on days I felt I might drop from fatigue, migraines, and then…
I would simultaneously read a verse for strength, while teaching my sons when they were little and in particular helping my stroke survivor find his way, with everything pertaining to life where stroke had made “seeing” the world and “how to” relate one thing to another in life very difficult, while God led me all the way. His Words are etched in my heart. A strength to my life in all seasons.
I am forever grateful for my Bible.
The Lord’s truth and love is what I have needed and wanted – and has literally saved me in a world of lies and manipulation.
The TRUTH I have sought and cling to and guard. The Lord’s Words are a gift. And it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
It’s awesome, miraculous, and satisfying like nothing else on earth. I am THANKFUL FOR MY RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS and HIS TRUTH HE GIVES ME IN HIS EVERY WORD, THAT SETS ME FREE!
I pray, you know the Truth and it sets you free!
“Heavenly Father, Help us to depend on Your truth for Salvation and life. Help us to listen and obey Your Words. May the power of Your Holy Spirit faithfully lead Your children through the power of Your Words. May we cling, stand strong, and fully embrace every single Word out of YOUR mouth, as the way to everlasting life. May we learn, grow, and be transformed into Your image. Thank YOU for graciously giving us this wonderful guide book to our lives. You are Kind, and could have just left us in our sin. Because of Your great mercy and love, You have offered Salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord. I pray many more submit to Your Lordship and rule, and find peace and life and freedom now and forevermore. In Jesus name Amen”